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Strategy of Intervention: The Dynamics of External Use of Force in Civil War
Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies, Strategy Division.ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8556-5972
2024 (English)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

The aim of this dissertation is to unpack military intervention processes. I do this by making explicit the various strategic dynamics through which external interference attempts to shape the overall trajectory of a civil war. Over the past decade, almost half of all civil wars have seen active involvement from foreign troops, highlighting the importance of studying military interventions. Existing analyses of military in-tervention emphasize the strategic dynamics of these activities and implicitly or ex-plicitly rely on various strategic concepts to make sense of them. However, most of the battlefield activities where strategy is put into practice are systematically black-boxed, and mainly used to explain the various macro-level correlations between mil-itary intervention and different civil war outcomes. To understand of how military intervention affects the battlefield dynamics of civil war I argue that it is necessary to study intervention strategy as a distinct activity within intervention processes. This dissertation is comprised of four essays that analyses three different cases of military intervention by major actors against governments fighting different rebels. I use both qualitative and quantitative methods to analyze the cases. In Essays I and II, I analyze how the airstrikes conducted during the NATO-led Operation Unified Protector affected the ability of the Libyan government to take and hold territory during the 2011 Libyan Civil War. Essay III explores the strategic logic behind the Georgian government’s decision to escalate its effort to reintegrate the South Osse-tian separatist republic in August 2008, despite overt Russian threats of interven-tion. Lastly, Essay IV introduces a novel conceptual framework with illustrations from the intervention in the Kosovo War (1998-99). In sum, the essays highlight in different ways the complex battlefield dynamics associated with conducting and re-sponding to intervention. Understanding how an external actor’s use of military force affects the conduct and trajectory of a civil war is thus intimately linked to the-orizing and analyzing intervention strategy as a dynamic activity.

Abstract [sv]

Syftet med denna avhandling är att utforska militära interventionsprocesser. Jag åstadkommer detta genom att tydliggöra de strategiska dynamiker genom vilka ex-terna aktörer försöker forma ett inbördeskrigs övergripande händelseförlopp. Un-der det senaste decenniet har utländska trupper deltagit aktivt i nästan hälften av alla inbördeskrig, vilket understryker vikten av att studera militära interventioner. Befintliga analyser av militär intervention betonar den strategiska dynamiken i dessa aktiviteter och förlitar sig implicit eller explicit på olika strategiska koncept för att förstå dem. Men de flesta slagfältsaktiviteter där strategi omsätts i praktiken är systematiskt osynliggjorda och används främst för att förklara sambandet mellan militär intervention och olika utfall av inbördeskrig på makronivå. Jag hävdar att det är nödvändigt att studera interventionsstrategi som en distinkt aktivitet inom olika interventionsprocesser. Endast då kan vi till fullo förstå hur militär intervention på-verkar slagfältsdynamiken i inbördeskrig. Denna avhandling består av fyra essäer som analyserar tre olika fall av militär intervention av starka aktörer mot regeringar som bekämpar olika rebellorganisationer. Jag använder både kvalitativa och kvanti-tativa metoder för att analysera fallen. I Essä I och II analyserar jag hur flyganfallen genomföra under den Nato-ledda insatsen Operation Unified Protector påverkade den libyska regeringens förmåga att ta och hålla territorium under det libyska in-bördeskriget 2011. Essä III fokuserar på den strategiska logik som motiverade den georgiska regeringen att eskalera sina försök att återintegrera Sydossetien 2008, trots tydliga ryska hot om intervention. Slutligen introducerar Essä IV ett nytt kon-ceptuellt ramverk med illustrationer från interventionen i Kosovokriget (1998-99). Dessa fyra essäer belyser därmed de komplexa slagfältsdynamiker som är kopplade till genomförandet och bemötandet av militära interventioner ur flera olika perspek-tiv. Att förstå hur en extern aktörs militära våldsanvändning påverkar ett inbördes-krigs genomförande och övergripande bana är därmed nära kopplat till att teoreti-sera samt analysera interventionsstrategi som en dynamisk aktivitet.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Stockholm: Försvarshögskolan (FHS), 2024.
Swedish Defence University Thesis Series, ISSN 2004-6871 ; 3, 2024
Keywords [en]
Military intervention, strategy, Libya, South Ossetia, Kosovo
Keywords [sv]
Militär intervention, strategi, Libyen, Sydossetien, Kosovo
National Category
Other Social Sciences
Research subject
War Studies
URN: urn:nbn:se:fhs:diva-13060DOI: 10.62061/tjqj4125ISBN: 978-91-88975-44-7 (print)OAI: oai:DiVA.org:fhs-13060DiVA, id: diva2:1902475
Public defence
2024-10-25, Sverigesalen, Drottning Kristinas väg 37, Stockholm, 13:00 (English)
Available from: 2024-10-02 Created: 2024-10-01 Last updated: 2024-10-02Bibliographically approved
List of papers
1. Airpower and territorial control: Unpacking the NATO intervention in Libya
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Airpower and territorial control: Unpacking the NATO intervention in Libya
2024 (English)In: Conflict Management and Peace Science, ISSN 0738-8942, E-ISSN 1549-9219, Vol. 41, no 3, p. 197-338Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

How does how intervener airpower affect civil war parties’ ability to take and hold territory? I argue that airpower can have both short- and long-term effects on an actor's ability to take and hold territory, by reducing its ability to effectively fight its adversary. Using novel, disaggregated data, I conduct a quantitative within-case study of 2011 NATO-led intervention in Libya. I find that the NATO air campaign made the Libyan government less likely to capture territory in the short term, and that airstrikes reduced its ability to capture territory in the long term.

National Category
Other Social Sciences
Research subject
War Studies
urn:nbn:se:fhs:diva-12005 (URN)10.1177/07388942231173613 (DOI)
Available from: 2023-12-08 Created: 2023-12-08 Last updated: 2024-10-01Bibliographically approved
2. Looking to the Skies: Operation Unified Protector and the Strategy of Aerial Intervention
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Looking to the Skies: Operation Unified Protector and the Strategy of Aerial Intervention
2023 (English)In: International Interactions, ISSN 0305-0629, E-ISSN 1547-7444, Vol. 49, no 5, p. 813-844Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

What are the different ways in which an intervener can use airpower to enhance a rebel organization’s ability to capture government-held territory? Multiple studies have analyzed how foreign airpower can be employed as a counterinsurgency tool, intended to reduce the frequency and lethality of insurgent attacks. However, many civil wars are fought conventionally, and non-state actors can benefit from military interventions that helps them to overcome the advantage in capabilities often enjoyed by their government adversaries. I analyze how airpower can be used in support of a rebel organization engaged in a conventional civil war, contributing to its ability to produce salient battlefield information. I argue that that an intervener can employ direct attack against heavy weapons and anti-aircraft assets, and interdiction of command and control capabilities and logistics, in order to diminish the government’s advantage in conventional capabilities. In doing so, foreign airpower contributes to the rebels’ ability to capture territory, a crucial intermediary goal and source of battlefield information when attempting to impose defeat on the government. Through a quantitative case study of Operation Unified Protector and the 2011 Libyan Civil War, I find that coalition airstrikes against the Libyan government’s heavy weapons, logistics, and anti-aircraft assets contributed to the Libyan rebels’ ability to capture territory. By contrast, strikes against the government’s command and control capabilities had no effect.

Abstract [es]

¿Cuáles son las diferentes formas en las que una parte interviniente puede usar el poder aéreo con el fin de mejorar la capacidad de una organización rebelde para ganar territorios controlados por el Gobierno? Existen múltiples estudios que han analizado cómo puede emplearse el poder aéreo extranjero como una herramienta de contrainsurgencia, destinada a reducir la frecuencia y la letalidad de los ataques insurgentes. Sin embargo, muchas guerras civiles se libran convencionalmente, y los agentes no estatales pueden salir beneficiados de intervenciones militares que les ayuden a superar la ventaja a nivel de capacidades que, a menudo, disfrutan sus adversarios gubernamentales. Analizamos cómo se puede usar el poder aéreo en apoyo de una organización rebelde que esté involucrada en una guerra civil convencional, contribuyendo a su capacidad para producir información importante acerca del campo de batalla. Argumentamos que una de las partes intervinientes podría emplear un ataque directo contra armas pesadas y medios antiaéreos, así como la interdicción de las capacidades de mando y control y de la logística, con el fin de disminuir la ventaja del Gobierno en lo referente a las capacidades convencionales. Al hacer esto, el poder aéreo extranjero contribuye a la capacidad de los rebeldes para ganar territorio, lo cual resulta no solo un objetivo intermedio crucial sino también una fuente de información sobre el campo de batalla cuando se intenta imponer la derrota al Gobierno. Concluimos, a partir de un estudio de caso cuantitativo de la Operación Protector Unificado (Operación enmarcada dentro de la intervención militar en Libia de 2011) y de la Guerra Civil Libia de 2011, que los ataques aéreos de la coalición contra las armas pesadas, la logística y los medios antiaéreos del Gobierno libio contribuyeron a la capacidad de los rebeldes libios para ganar territorio. Por el contrario, los ataques contra las capacidades de mando y control del Gobierno no tuvieron ningún efecto.

Abstract [fr]

Comment un intervenant peut-il employer les forces aériennes pour améliorer la capacité d’une organisation rebelle de s’emparer de territoires détenus par le gouvernement ? De nombreuses études ont analysé l’emploi des forces aériennes en tant qu’outil de lutte contre l’insurrection, dont le but est de réduire la fréquence et la létalité des attaques des insurgés. Cependant, nombre de guerres civiles se sont déroulées de façon conventionnelle, et les acteurs non étatiques peuvent bénéficier d’interventions militaires qui les aident à contrer l’avantage en matière de capacité que les adversaires gouvernementaux possèdent souvent. J’analyse comment les forces aériennes peuvent être utilisées pour soutenir une organisation rebelle impliquée dans une guerre civile conventionnelle, en contribuant à sa capacité de production d’informations cruciales sur le champ de bataille. J’affirme qu’un intervenant peut avoir recours à une attaque directe à l’encontre d’armes lourdes et d’actifs antiaériens, ainsi qu’à l’interception des capacités logistiques, de commande et de contrôle, afin de réduire l’avantage du gouvernement en matière de capacités conventionnelles. Ce faisant, les forces aériennes étrangères contribuent à la capacité rebelle de capturer des territoires, un objectif intermédiaire et une source d’informations sur le champ de bataille qui s’avèrent déterminants quand on essaie de l’emporter face à un gouvernement. Grâce à une étude de cas quantitative de l’opération Unified Protector et de la guerre civile de 2011 en Libye, j’observe que les frappes aériennes de la coalition à l’encontre des armes lourdes, des capacités logistiques et des actifs antiaériens du gouvernement libyen ont contribué à la capacité des rebelles libyens de capturer des territoires. En revanche, les frappes visant les capacités de commande et de contrôle du gouvernement n’ont eu aucun effet.

Airpower, Libya, military intervention
National Category
Other Social Sciences
Research subject
War Studies
urn:nbn:se:fhs:diva-12006 (URN)10.1080/03050629.2023.2250901 (DOI)
Available from: 2023-12-08 Created: 2023-12-08 Last updated: 2024-10-01Bibliographically approved
3. Responding to Intervention: Analyzing Georgia’s Resistance to Russian Interference in South Ossetia 2004-2008
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Responding to Intervention: Analyzing Georgia’s Resistance to Russian Interference in South Ossetia 2004-2008
(English)In: Article in journal (Refereed) Submitted
Abstract [en]

This article seeks to explain why governments sometime escalate their efforts to defeat a rebel organization when threatened by military intervention. Even though there is extensive knowledge about what motivates an actor to intervene, far less attention has been directed towards explaining why some military interventions end at mere coercive threats, whereas others result in full-scale invasions. Given that an intervention constitutes a strategic interaction between the intervener and the civil war actor it targets, the targeted actor’s response to the initial threat of intervention shapes the subsequent intervention process. I argue that a targeted government will respond to a threat of intervention with escalation against the rebels when it has opportunity to compartmentalize the strategy it has devised to defeat them. This implies that the government has a coherent strategic plan, which it believes it can execute in such a way that the intervener cannot effectively disrupt it. Furthermore, the targeted government also perceives that it can prevent the intervener from expanding its involvement outside of this favorable space. By employing theory-testing process tracing to analyze the Georgian government’s responses to Russian interference in South Ossetia 2004-2008, I find support for this argument. The Georgian government perceived that a limited military offensive against South Ossetia could be conducted in such a way that Russia would have limited opportunity to interfere with it. Furthermore, it also perceived that the restrained character of its strategy, favorable terrain, and international pressure would control Russian escalation.

National Category
Other Social Sciences
Research subject
War Studies
urn:nbn:se:fhs:diva-13058 (URN)

Tillfällig Diva-post till Emils avhandling.

Available from: 2024-10-01 Created: 2024-10-01 Last updated: 2024-10-01
4. Strategies of Intervention: Conceptualizing Foreign Involvement in Civil War
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Strategies of Intervention: Conceptualizing Foreign Involvement in Civil War
(English)In: Article in journal (Refereed) Submitted
Abstract [en]

What are the strategies an intervener can employ to control the trajectory of a civil war? Even though strategy and various strategic concepts are important parts of contemporary theoretical frameworks, empirical analyses of intervention do not fully account for its strategic dimension. More specifically, strategy’s control-oriented, contingent, and flexible and dynamic nature is not sufficiently developed and analyzed. To complement existing empirical analyses of intervention, I develop a novel framework that describes the different categories of strategies an intervener can employ, and which can be used to illustrate strategic change. The frameworks stipulates that the targeted civil war actor’s intermediary strategic goals – not its political ends – should be the main theoretical and empirical reference point. Furthermore, it uses two logics of escalation to outline several general categories of strategic action: influencing, indirect inducing, direct inducing, and imposing strategies. The framework primarily describes various military intervention strategies, but it also links them in a coherent way to different political, diplomatic, and economic strategies. To exemplify the different categories of strategies, I use illustrations from the Western – and later NATO – efforts to manage and terminate the Kosovo War (1998-99).

National Category
Other Social Sciences
Research subject
War Studies
urn:nbn:se:fhs:diva-13059 (URN)

Tillfällig Diva-post for Emils avhandling.

Available from: 2024-10-01 Created: 2024-10-01 Last updated: 2024-10-01

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