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  • 1.
    Eliasson, Per
    et al.
    Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Military History Division.
    Ericson Wolke, Lars
    Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Military History Division.
    Åselius, Gunnar
    Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Military History Division.
    Krigsplanläggning och ledning: Generalstaben och idén om en högsta ledning i den svenska försvarsmakten 1873-20232023Book (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    Generalstaben inrättades 1873 och utgjordes av en elit av särskilt utbildade officerare som skulle leda arméns utveckling av krigsplanläggning, mobiliseringsplaner och större övningar. Dessa officerare har fortsatt att prägla stabernas arbete under 150 år, fram till dagens Högkvarter, och i denna bok lyfts deras roll i försvaret fram, liksom stabens internationella och svenska historia.

  • 2.
    Eriksson, Fredrik
    Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Military History Division.
    Baltiska ententen, minoriteter och säkerhetspolitik: Svenska attachéers bedömningar av Estland, Lettland och Litauen 1927–19392022In: Militärhistorisk Tidskrift, ISSN 0283-8400Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 3.
    Eriksson, Fredrik
    Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Military History Division.
    From Light Infatry to Special Forces and Back Again: Swedish Rangers during the 20th Century2023In: Special Operations Past and Present: Implications for Policy Makers. Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference of the Euro-Atlantic Conflict Studies Working Group pf the Partnership for Peace Consortium of Defense Academies and Security Studies Institutes / [ed] Jan Hoffenaar, Haag: Netherlands Institute of Military History , 2023, p. 12-29Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 4.
    Eriksson, Fredrik
    et al.
    Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Military History Division.
    Ericson Wolke, Lars
    Åselius, Gunnar
    Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Military History Division.
    Från Savolaxbrigaden till Särskilda skyddsgruppen: Svenska specialoperationer och specialförband från medeltid till 19952022Book (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    Få militära verksamheter omges av en så tät mytbildning som specialförbanden. I den här boken får vi dock en grundlig inblick i verklighetens svenska specialoperationer och specialförbandens aktiviteter alltifrån medeltiden till 1990-talet. Boken är den första historiska analysen av fenomenet specialoperationer och okonventionella militära aktiviteter i Sverige.

    Bland föregångarna till dagens specialförband hittar vi bland annat 1700-talets jägare, svenska kosacker, underrättelseagenter och kalla krigets olika jägarförband. Historien om dessa kan göras lång, men tyngdpunkten i denna volym ligger på tiden för det andra världskriget och kalla kriget.

    Författarna berättar om kända och okända aktörer som finska officerare i den gemensamma krigsmakten före 1809, eller militärreformatorn Hugo Raab och andra frivilliga i Danmark 1864. Viktiga roller hade även de anonyma underrättelseoperatörerna under första världskriget och kalla kriget, men även i vidare kretsar välkända personer som språkvetaren Gunnar Jarring samt överbefälhavare som Helge Jung och Bengt Gustafsson.

  • 5.
    Gussarsson, Maria
    Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Military History Division.
    Kartans makt i krig och fred: Fältmätarna, det nya kriget och samhällelig utveckling 1805-18312022Book (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    Ökade behov av kartor ledde 1805 till att en topografisk kår, Fältmätningskåren, upprättades i Sverige. Kartor var helt nödvändiga för den nya typ av krigföring som introducerades från slutet av 1700-talet, men också för den svenska infrastrukturens utbyggnad, ekonomisk utveckling och nationalstatens framväxt.

    Vid sidan av karteringen av riket hade fältmätningsofficerarna även arbetsuppgifter kopplade till militär ledning, undervisning och historieskrivning. De var inte många till antalet, men ytterst kompetena och driftiga. Genom sitt arbete fick de stor betydelse både för krigsmakten och samhällsutvecklingen.

  • 6.
    Hellman, Lisa
    et al.
    University of Lund, (SWE).
    Hodacs, HannaUniversity of Uppsala, (SWE).Makko, AryoStockholm University, (SWE).Murdoch, SteveSwedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Military History Division.
    Connected Oceans: A Festschrift to Leos Muller2022Collection (editor) (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This book is a contribution to Maritime history in all its contexts - Military Warfare at Sea, Archaeology, Great Power and Imperial History, World History, Global History.

  • 7.
    Holtsmark, Sven G.
    et al.
    Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies, Oslo, Norway, (NOR).
    Åselius, Gunnar
    Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Military History Division.
    Occupied Norway 1940-1945: A Brief Background to Hostage2023In: Honest Errors? Combat Decision-Making 75 Years After the Hostage Case / [ed] Nobuo Hayashi; Carola Lingaas, The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press, 2023, p. 25-45Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This chapter gives background and context to the events that provide the material for this anthology—the systematic devastation of Finnmark and parts of Troms and the concomitant forced evacuation of the civilian population from October 1944 to February 1945. Although Rendulic issued the 29 October 1944 order in his capacity as Commander of German forces in Northern Norway, he was not alone responsible for that fateful order. The chapter therefore includes but also goes beyond the 29 October order’s immediate military background. It discusses the dramatic developments in the 20th Mountain Army’s area of operation in Northern Norway, Finland, and the Soviet Union in the summer and autumn of 1944. The chapter starts with an outline of the occupation regime in Norway and the role of key decision-makers behind the events that led to Rendulic’s indictment at the US military tribunal. Afterwards follow some remarks on Norway’s—and Northern Norway’s in particular—role in the war, as well as a presentation of the political and military events that preceded the return of the 20th Mountain Army to Norway and Rendulic’s order of 29 October 1944. The chapter ends with a brief note on German and English-language literature about this fragment of Germany’s Second World War military history and Norwegian occupation experience, as well as references to selected Norwegian and Russian-language texts.

  • 8.
    Ivari, Johan
    et al.
    Swedish Defence University, Institutionen för ledarskap och ledning, Leadership and Command & Control Division Stockholm.
    Nolan, Annette
    Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Military History Division.
    A Set-based Approach: searching for the Problem-Solution Eclipse2023In: 28th International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium (ICCRTS), 2023, 2023, p. 1-14Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This paper draws attention to some of the unintended consequences of current planning directives, which not only obscure the true essence of complex endeavours, but may also inhibit the intellectual capabilities of planning teams because of their prescriptive and voluminous nature. In the Set-based Approach (SbA), we introduce five principles aimed at optimizing planning time and reducing the likelihood of making premature assumptions. SbA extends beyond the scope of military operational planning, offering a flexible planning philosophy that enables teams to deal more adeptly with uncertainty. The SbA concept has undergone informal testing during two pilot programs at the Swedish Defence University.

  • 9.
    Ivari, Johan
    et al.
    Swedish Defence University, Institutionen för ledarskap och ledning, Leadership and Command & Control Division Stockholm.
    Nolan, Annette
    Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Military History Division.
    Team up for success: harnessing Participatory Sense-Making with the Harmonization Emergence Model2023In: 28th International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium (ICCRTS), 2023, 2023, p. 1-14Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This paper introduces the Harmonization Emergence Model (HEM), a model that integrates two key dimensions of harmony: Einheit(coalescing unity) and Stimmigkeit (congruent shared meaning). The HEM, in conjunction with John Boyd's OODA-loop, provides avaluable tool for comprehending how harmonization can emerge within complex endeavors that span organizational, linguistic,and cultural boundaries. By employing these models, our aim is to broaden the understanding of the imperative to shift the focusof Command and Control (C2), beyond mere direction and control towards a function for catalyzing and modulating collaborationamong organizations and actors within a specific context. Our objective with the HEM, is to better understand the 'power to theedge' concept and how C2 could facilitate assemblages (teams of teams) in actively engaging with and influencing the environment.This is guided by the pursuit of Congruence, which represents the metastable shared meaning we seek through Participatory SenseMaking.

  • 10.
    Jakobsson, Håkan
    Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Military History Division.
    Sidenkramhandelns utveckling, 1700-17402023In: Shopping i Stockholm: Sociala praktiker på gatunivå, 1700-1850 / [ed] My Hellsing; Johanna Ilmakunnas, Stockholm: Stockholmia förlag, 2023, p. 187-232Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 11.
    Murdoch, Steve
    Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Military History Division.
    Bohemian Exiles in the Transoceanic World: An unexpected consequence of the Thirty Years’ War2022In: Connected Oceans: A Festschrift to Leos Muller / [ed] Lisa Hellman, Hanna Hodac, Aryo Makko, Steve Murdoch, Lund: Universus Academic Press , 2022Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 12.
    Murdoch, Steve
    Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Military History Division.
    Mary Haynes and Frances Drummond: Two Abandoned Wives of Scottish Soldiers during the Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648)2022In: Northern Studies: The Journal of the Scottish Society for Northern Studies, ISSN 0305-506X, Vol. 53, p. 60-71Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 13.
    Murdoch, Steve
    Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Military History Division.
    Richard J. Blakemore and James Davey (eds.) The Maritime World of Early Modern Britain Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2020 ISBN 978 94 6372 13012023In: Northern Studies: The Journal of the Scottish Society for Northern Studies, ISSN 0305-506X, Vol. 54, p. 99-102Article, book review (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    THis is a book review of a monograph which focusses on the Role of the Royal Navy in Scotland in the period between the Union of Crowns (1603) and the Treaty of Union (1707).

  • 14.
    Murdoch, Steve
    Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Military History Division.
    Stolbova in Perspective: Jacobean Diplomacy in the Baltic Region, 1589-16182023In: Sweden, Russia and the 1617 Peace of Stolbova / [ed] Arne Jönsson, Arsenii Vetuscho-Kalevich, Turnhout: Brepols, 2023, p. 1-20Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This article tackles preconceptions as to the architect (s) behind the Peace of Stolbova. Sir John Merrick's role has long been understood, but here for the first time the role of te Scottish General in Swedish service, Sir James Spens, is brought firmly into view.

    In this article some misconceptions are addressed and new information brought to bear with implications for the undersatanding of Scottish, English (dare one say British) interactions with Sweden, Russia and the Northern World. 

  • 15.
    Murdoch, Steve
    Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Military History Division.
    The Auld Alliance and the French Intervention in the Thirty Years' War, 1630-16482022In: Scotland and the Wider World: Essays in Honour of Allan I. Macinnes / [ed] Neil McIntyre, Alison Cathcart, Boydell & Brewer, 2022Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This article traces the revival of the Franco-Scottish Auld Alliance in the 1630s and 1640s after a period where the two nations had actually been at war (1627-1632). It saw the arrival into French service of the largest ever contingent of soldiers from Scotland - mostly Calvinists aiding the French Catholic regime in their war against Habsburg Europe.

  • 16.
    Murdoch, Steve
    Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Military History Division.
    War and Peace: Scottish-Norwegian Relations in the Early Modern Period (c.1520-1707)2023In: Comparative Perspectives in Scottish and Norwegian Legal History, Trade and Seafaring: 1200-1800 / [ed] Andrew R.C. Simpson; Jørn Øyrehagen Sunde, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2023, p. 211-231Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This chapter looks at relations between the kingdoms of Scotland and Norway over two centuries. In particular it looks to periods of conflict and asks questions about these impacted upon commercial and cultural relations. Celebrated, but localised incidents are put in context against periods of outright warfare between the nations.

  • 17.
    Murdoch, Steve
    et al.
    Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Military History Division.
    Tetteris, Karin
    Stockholm University, (SWE).
    The Commemoration of a Siege of the Thirty Years’ War, The Stralsund Medal of Alexander Leslie, 1st Earl of Leven2022In: Militärhistorisk Tidskrift, ISSN 0283-8400Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 18.
    Murdoch, Steve
    et al.
    Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Military History Division.
    Zickermann, Kathrin
    Oavlönade Docent, MHA, Försvarshögskolan, (SWE).
    The Battle of Lemgo, 17 October 1638: An Empirical Re-evaluation2023In: Militärhistorisk Tidskrift, ISSN 0283-8400Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The Battle of Lemgo (1638) is traditionally viewed as a complete route of the Swedish forces under Lt General James King (an Orcadian) and an allied army led by Prince Karl Ludwig of the Palatinate. In this presentation, Dr Kathrin Zickermann and Prof Steve Murdoch have reassessed the battlefield reports following the battle and the subsequent actions of the Swedish-Palatine Army. In so doing a number of flaws in the conventional orthodoxy have been exposed. Missing from all previous mentions of this event has been any attention to the Swedish accounts of the battle, or even objective scrutiny of the available German and English ones. This paper returns to the basic principles of the study of history by reviewing the battle objectively and from all sides equally. In so doing we overturn the orthodoxy surrounding the battle and its aftermath. We can conclusively show that far from being a route which saw King and Karl Ludwig return to base with only five survivors (the myth), the battle witnessed an orderly retreat and was followed up by subsequent actions previously overlooked in any Swedish, German or English language accounts. This placed the Swedish army in a stronger position than prior to the battle, albeit the Palatine force was denuded of some of its most senior commanders. We address the mythologizing of these (such as Prince Rupert of the Rhine) and contemplate why the obsession with romantic figures has helped obscure the historical reality of the day.

  • 19.
    Neuding Skoog, Martin
    Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Military History Division.
    Den tunna blå linjen: Taktiska reformer i det svenska och finska infanteriet 1802-18062023In: Krigsmaskineriet: kriget, förutsättningarna och konsekvenserna ca 1780-1820 / [ed] Martin Hårdstedt; Göran Backman, Oravais: Oravais Historiska Förening , 2023, p. 13-51Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 20.
    Neuding Skoog, Martin
    Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Military History Division.
    Fateful Mésalliance: The Danish-Muscovite Treaties of 1493–1523 in Political and Religious Discourse2023In: Zapiski Historyczne, ISSN 0044-1791, Vol. 88, no 2, p. 65-96Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In 1493, King John of Denmark entered into a formal treaty with the grand prince of Muscovy, which was later renewed and discontinued only with the fall of King Christian II. The treaty generated frequent embassies to Copenhagen and Moscow. The treaty was clearly aimed against Sweden and posed a serious strategic problem there. It also provides a backdrop to the diminished Swedish political trust in the Oldenburg kings. Several medieval papal bulls prohibited Latin Christians from contact with infidels and schismatics. This papal embargo represented an over-arching policy that all within the Latin Christian community were expected to observe. The need for trade required degrees of embargo and in effect, the embargo only prohibited trade and interactions with infidels that may harm the Christian community – especially arms trade and offensive alliances. The Danish-Muscovite alliance was a clear breach of this embargo. Earlier studies have not, however, appreciated the significance of this alliance in the larger international context. This article studies the role of Muscovy in the conflicts between Sweden and Denmark from 1493 to 1523. How did the Oldenburg kings utilise the treaty to pursue their strategic goals? What were the Swedish repercussions? Did the Oldenburg kings publicly acknowledge their Muscovite liaison? How did the larger Latin Christian community react? What does this treaty tell us about political change in early sixteenth-century Northern Europe?

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  • 21.
    Neuding Skoog, Martin
    Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Military History Division.
    Herre i sitt eget rike2023In: Axess, ISSN 1651-0941, no 5, p. 38-41Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 22.
    Weissmann, Mikael
    et al.
    Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Land Operations Division.
    Björkqvist, Jonas
    Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Land Operations Division.
    Wiklund, Patrik
    Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Military History Division.
    En handbok om fältövningar: Att planera och leda en fältövning2023Book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Praktiska pedagogiska redskap är en central del i utbildningen av officerare. Detta är ett område där det finns en lång tradition, både på Försvarshögskolan och inom Försvarsmakten mer generellt. Detta är också ett område där Försvarshögskolan alltid har varit framträdande, där metoder som applikatoriska exempel (applex), krigsspel, fältövningar, stabstjänstövningar och taktiska problem under lång tid har använts. Denna handbok riktar in sig på ett av dessa pedagogiska redskap: fältövningar. 

    Handboken är disponerad som följer: först ges en historisk bakgrund till fältövningar och vi diskuterar vad en fältövning är och vilka typer som finns. Därefter flyttar fokus till tankar kring att planera och genomföra en fältövning. Här diskuterar vi planeringsfasen, lärdomar kring nyttan av att rekognosera inför genomförande och tankar kring fältövningens pedagogiska genomförande. Handboken avslutas med en diskussion kring hur man bör tänka när man planerar och genomför en fältövning, både praktiskt och pedagogiskt. Här presenteras även en schematisk modell kring fältövningens pedagogiska dynamik för olika målgrupper baserat på deras förförståelse och olika fältövningars komplexitet.

  • 23.
    Weissmann, Mikael
    et al.
    Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Land Operations Division.
    Björkqvist, Jonas
    Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Land Operations Division.
    Wiklund, Patrik
    Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Military History Division.
    Staff Rides as a Pedagogical Tool in Professional Military Education (PME): Planning and Conducting Historical Staff Rides2022In: Journal on Baltic Security, ISSN 2382-9222, Vol. 8, no 2, p. 61-82Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The use of various practical pedagogical tools is an important part of officer training. This is also an area where there is a long tradition in the training of officer cadets and officers in staff colleges as well as in the Armed Forces more generally. This article focuses on staff rides aimed at teaching tactics and operational arts based on historical examples. This type of staff-rides aims to learn from history with a bearing on the present and the future.

    The article is organized as follows: first, the article gives a short overview of the history of staff rides, followed by a discussion on different types of staff rides. Then the focus shifts to ways to planning and carrying out a staff-ride. This includes the planning phase, reconnaissance, and the different pedagogical tools that can be used and their implementation. The article concludes with a discussion of how to think when planning and carrying out a staff rides, both practically and pedagogically. The article here presented a schematic model of the pedagogical dynamics of the staff ride for different target groups based on their pre-understanding and the complexity of different field exercises.

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    Staff Rides as a Pedagogical Tool in Professional Military Education (PME)
  • 24.
    Zetterberg, Kent
    Swedish Defence University, Department of Military Studies, The Military History Division. Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Military History Division.
    Carl Erik Almgren2015In: Militära ledare under kalla kriget / [ed] Bertil Wennerholm; Kent Zetterberg, Stockholm: Medströms Bokförlag, 2015, p. 131-141Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 25.
    Zetterberg, Kent
    Swedish Defence University, Department of Military Studies, The Military History Division. Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Military History Division.
    Gustaf Adolf Westring2015In: Militära ledare under kalla kriget / [ed] Bertil Wennerholm; Kent Zetterberg, Stockholm: Medströms Bokförlag, 2015, p. 289-303Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 26.
    Zetterberg, Kent
    Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Military History Division. Swedish Defence University, Department of Military Studies, The Military History Division.
    Hans von Hofsten2015In: Militära ledare under kalla kriget / [ed] Bertil Wennerholm; Kent Zetterberg, Stockholm: Medströms Bokförlag, 2015, p. 235-249Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 27.
    Zetterberg, Kent
    Swedish Defence University, Department of Military Studies, The Military History Division. Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Military History Division.
    Helge Jung2015In: Militära ledare under kalla kriget / [ed] Bertil Wennerholm; Kent Zetterberg, Stockholm: Medströms Bokförlag, 2015, p. 19-45Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 28.
    Zetterberg, Kent
    Swedish Defence University, Department of Military Studies, The Military History Division. Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Military History Division.
    Nils Swedlund2015In: Militära ledare under kalla kriget / [ed] Bertil Wennerholm; Kent Zetterberg, Stockholm: Medströms Bokförlag, 2015, p. 47-73Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 29.
    Zetterberg, Kent
    Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Military History Division.
    Sweden during the Second World War, neutral in her own strength2019In: Konflikt und Kooperation: Die Ostsee als Handlungs- und Kulturraum / [ed] Martin Göllnitz, Nils Abraham, Thomas Wegener Friis, Helmut Müller-Enbergs, Berlin: Peter Lang Publishing Group, 2019, p. 373-388Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 30.
    Zetterberg, Kent
    Swedish Defence University, Department of Military Studies, Joint Warfare Division, Military History Section. Swedish Defence University, Department of Military Studies, The Military History Division. Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Military History Division.
    Tyskar på tåg: Sverige och beredskapen 1939-19452023Book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Svensk säkerhetspolitik 1940-1943, tyska transiteringstrafiken genom Sverige, Goebbels resa genom Sverige hösten 1940 mm.

  • 31.
    Åselius, Gunnar
    Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Military History Division.
    Den gyllene freden 1721. Stormaktens undergång. Alexej Smirnov, Medströms bokförlag, 20222022In: Karolinska förbundets årsbok, ISSN 0348-9833, p. 167-171Article, book review (Other academic)
  • 32.
    Åselius, Gunnar
    Swedish Defence University, Department of War Studies and Military History, Military History Division.
    Världen år 19212022In: Med hammare och fackla XLVIII: Sancte Örjens Gille 100 år, Stockholm: Sancte Örjens Gille , 2022, p. 11-48Chapter in book (Other academic)
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