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  • 1.
    Aalto, Janne
    et al.
    Finnish Defence Research Agency, (FIN).
    De Reya, Anthony
    United Kingdom Royal Navy, (GBR).
    Garb, Maja
    University of Ljubljana, (SVN).
    Giga, Sabir
    Lancaster University, (GBR).
    Goyne, Anne
    Australian Defence College, (AUS).
    Kalantzis, Eugenia
    Royal Military College of Canada, (CAN).
    Kucera, Tomás
    Charles University, (CZE).
    Lekea, Ioanne
    Hellenic Air Forces Academy, (GRC) .
    MacIntyre, Allister
    Royal Military College of Canada, (CAN).
    MacVean, Allyson
    Bath Spa University, (GBR).
    Morales, John
    US Centre for Army Profession and Ethics, (USA).
    Ness, Alisha
    US Army Research Institute, (USA) .
    Nilsson, Sofia
    Swedish Defence University, Institutionen för ledarskap och ledning, Leadership and Command & Control Division Karlstad.
    O´Keefe, Damian
    Royal Military College of Canada, (CAN) .
    Olsthoorn, Peter
    Netherlands Defence Academy, (NLD).
    Reed, Esther
    University of Exeter, (GBR).
    Robertsson, Magna
    Swedish Defence University, Institutionen för ledarskap och ledning, Leadership and Command & Control Division Stockholm.
    Shackleton, Scott
    United Kingdom Royal Navy, (GBR).
    Shaughnessy, Stefanie
    US Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, (GBR) .
    van der Linden, Naomi
    Australian Defence College, (NLD).
    Factors Affecting Ethical Leadership: Final report of Task Group HFM-3042023Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    "Factors Affecting Ethical Leadership” shows that the ethical behavior of leaders is the most important factor in shaping an organization’s ethical climate. Representatives from ten countries, Canada, Australia, Czech Republic, Finland, Greece, Netherlands, Slovenia, Sweden, United Kingdom and United States of America participated in the research, with six (Canada, Australia, Finland, Netherlands, Sweden and the USA) able to collect data. The goals of RTG HFM-304 included identifying the individual, situational, and organizational variables predictive of ethical leadership, developing a model of ethical leadership, and collating best practice in military ethics education amongst NATO and Partner for Peace (PfP) countries. Findings evidence that ethical leadership is strongly associated with values, in particular with value achievement (e.g., setting high standards and striving for excellence) and person-environment fit. Leaders who have the ability to address an ethical dilemma tend also to be those with high standards, a firm foundation in values (such as helping others and generosity) and belief that their institution shares these values. To engender ethical cultures and attract, train and sustain principled leaders, there is a need for military institutions to emphasize values, reinforce ethical decision-making and promote and value-informed ethical leadership from the beginning.

  • 2.
    Agell, Karl
    Swedish Defence University.
    Clothes for Winter? The U.S. Government’s Post-Cold War Views of Nuclear Relations with Russia2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This thesis examines the U.S. government’s perceptions of its primary and peer-level nuclear competitor, Russia, in the post-cold war era. Drawing on prior research on Russian signaling, and on (nuclear) deterrence in action – the thesis employs deterrence theory and ontological security to examine how U.S. administrations’ views have evolved from Clinton to Biden. The thesis concludes that publicly communicated views on Russian nuclear capabilities change from initial optimism to, after Russia’s attack on Ukraine 2014, suspicion and even to some extent hostility. Ontological security, combined with deterrence theory, explains how complex narratives are found to be central to understanding how the U.S. government views Russian nuclear postures and capabilities – and while traditional deterrence theory provides a useful foundation for interpreting these evolving views – ontological security allows a more comprehensive understanding of underlying rationality and perceptions.

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  • 3.
    Agell, Karl
    Swedish Defence University.
    ”Inget av detta är olagligt. Det behöver för den skull inte vara lämpligt.”: Utrikespolitik, självbild, export. Telubaffären i kontext av kalla krigets Sverige.2021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna uppsats handlar om Telubaffären, som utspelade sig under slutet av 70-talet och början av 80-talet. Uppsatsens huvudsakliga syfte är att utforska händelsen i kontext av Sverige under kalla kriget, med fokus på utrikespolitiken och den svenska självbilden. Med hjälp av detta, och med avstamp i forskning om internationella relationer analyseras den allmänna diskussionen om händelsens efterspel. Uppsatsens huvudsakliga källmaterial är knappt 60 tidningsartiklar skrivna 1979–1982. Undersökningen genomförs genom kvalitativ textanalys och avslutas med en analys via kriterier givna av tidigare forskning och teori. Uppsatsens slutsatser är att regeringens agerande framstår som till allra största del förenligt med svensk utrikespolitik och även IR-teorins realistiska och liberala perspektiv, även om frågetecken kan resas gällande rådande svensk självbild och identitet. I den mediala diskussionen, och i oppositionens kritik, lyser främst etiska argument utifrån uppfattningar om självbild igenom.

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  • 4.
    Aloul Nord, Filistin
    Swedish Defence University.
    Gengas och genusgränser: Stockholms kvinnliga bilkåristers manövrerande genom beredskapsårens militära genusarbetsdelning2020Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • 5.
    Altervall, Filip
    Swedish Defence University.
    Att lära av andras krig - svenska attachéer i Japan 1908-1911: En undersökning av den svenska krigsmaktens lärdomar och erfarenhetshantering efter det rysk-japanska kriget 1904-19052023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This study is about mapping out the Swedish General Staff's focus areas for information gathering through the military and naval attaches in Japan between the end of the Russo-Japanese War and the beginning of the First World War. More specifically the years 1908-1911. The study deals with experience management as well as how knowledge was obtained from abroad and what this says about the organisational culture of the Swedish armed forces. The study’s purpose is answered through three different questions, one mainquestion and two operationalizing questions. The method used in the study is qualitative text analysis with a hermeneutic approach. The approach aims to find out what the Swedish military attachés intended to study and what they considered important to report home from Japan and what this can tell us about the organisational culture of the Swedish armed forces. This method is thus about interpreting, deciphering, and understanding the received writings, reports, and messages. The theoretical starting point for this study is based on parts of the book The Culture of Military Organizations. Two categories of analysis from this theory have been selected: performance orientation, which is a measure of the extent to which a military organisation encourages and rewards members to challenge goals, promote innovation, and improve performance, and future orientation, which is a measure of the extent to which the military organisation engages in future-oriented behaviours such as delaying in order to enjoy the moment, planning and investing in the future. The concept of orientalism is also used in order to understand why certain lessons were accepted or rejected. The investigation is based on material taken from the General Staff's Foreign Affairs Department, specifically a volume of correspondence, reports, and messages from the military and naval attachés in Tokyo and Peking 1908-1911. The conclusions drawn in the study are that orientalism was an occuring element, but the Swedish attachés despite that enthusiastically took part in war experiencesand reported home their learned lessons, observations and assessments. Based on the lessons learned and the two categories of analysis stated above, Sweden's military organisational culture could at the time be considered to contain a relatively high future orientation and performance orientation.

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  • 6.
    Andersson, André
    Swedish Defence University.
    Manöverkrigföringens Utmaningar: En Fallstudie av Slaget vid Tolvajärvi2024Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Despite advancements in military theory and technology, maneuver warfare remains a concept shrouded in misunderstanding. This persistent lack of understanding or disagreement underscores the need for a rigorous examination of what maneuver warfare really is and how it is applied in tactics.

    This paper addresses the persistent challenge of understanding maneuver warfare within the military context. It aims to test the Ideal sequenced model theory presented by Peter Thunholm and Lars Henåker by examining and applying in a case study. Their theory outlines a series of steps that if followed in the given sequenced order will increase the likelihood of winning battles. The case in this study is the battle of Tolvajärvi during the Winter war 1939. 

    The result of the study shows a distinct explanatory power and connection between the theory and case. 

  • 7.
    Andersson, Erik
    Swedish Defence University.
    FJS: Arméns fallskärmsjägarskola och de grundläggande förmågorna – En analys av FJS utbildning och uppgifter mellan 1952 och 19702012Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    1952 inrättades fallskärmsjägarskolan i Karlsborg. Förbandet var tänkt att lösa jägaruppgifter långt bakom fiendens linjer. Uppsatsen behandlar hur förbandet fallskärmsjägarna förhöll sig till de grundläggande förmågorna, dels under potentiella operationer men även under utbildningen av soldater. Uppsatsen behandlar även huruvida och på vilket sätt fallskärmsjägarna förstärkte de grundläggande förmågorna hos försvaret som helhet.


    Syftet med uppsatsen är att utifrån reglementen och anvisningar analysera de grundläggande förmågorna hos svenska fallskärmsjägarförband, både utbildningsmässigt och skarpt.


    Genom doktrinen med de grundläggande förmågorna har reglementen och anvisningar analyserats kvalitativt.


    Resultaten av uppsatsen visar att samtliga förmågor fanns representerade hos förbandet både under utbildning och under genomförande av företag. Förbandet förhåller sig till förmågorna på ett medvetet sätt som kan utläsas av utbildningen mot tänkta uppgifter. 

    Resultatet visar även att förbandet har möjlighet att främst genom sin förmåga till att ge underrättelse förstärka de grundläggande förmågorna hos Försvarsmakten som helhet.

  • 8.
    Andersson, Lennart
    Swedish National Defence College, Department of Military Studies, The Military History Division.
    Fienden i öster!: Svenskt jaktflyg under kalla kriget2012Book (Other academic)
  • 9. Andersson, Lennart
    Flygvapnets spaningsflyg: Sveriges ögon och öron under kalla kriget2013Book (Other academic)
  • 10. Andersson, Lennart
    Svenska flygbaser2008Collection (editor) (Other academic)
  • 11.
    Andersson, Lennart
    Swedish National Defence College, Department of Military Studies, The Military History Division.
    ÖBs klubba: Flygvapnets attackeskader under kalla kriget2010Book (Other academic)
  • 12.
    Andersson, Oskar
    Swedish National Defence College.
    Ledarskap under organisationsförändring: Kultur och ledarskap under förändringsarbete2014Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Ledarskap och kultur är något som en chef under en förändring måste förstå och kunna arbeta med. Frågan är hur Försvarsmaktens modell utvecklande ledarskap kan användas under ett förändringsarbete? Slutsatser kan dras att det utvecklande ledarskapet som i stort grundar sig i medmänsklighet fungerar ypperligt att använda under en organisationsförändring.

    Försvarsmaktens organisationskultur är präglad av en lång historia och en stolthet hos personalen att arbeta inom organisationen. Hur denna kultur påverkas av en förändring är svårt att säga. Konklusionen av uppsatsen är att hela Försvarsmaktens kultur ej förändras, men kulturen kopplat till förändring blir negativt påverkad. Detta beroende på historiska aspekter av tidigare förändringar. 

  • 13. Artéus, Gunnar
    et al.
    Fältström, Herman
    Totalförsvaret under Sveriges kalla krig: sex föredrag2011Collection (editor) (Other academic)
  • 14. Artéus, Gunnar
    et al.
    Zetterberg, Kent
    Cold War views on Sweden2018Collection (editor) (Refereed)
  • 15. Artéus, Gunnar
    et al.
    Zetterberg, KentSwedish Defence University, Department of Military Studies, The Military History Division.
    Högsta ledningen: förhållandet mellan regeringen och överbefälhavaren under det kalla kriget2010Collection (editor) (Other academic)
  • 16. Artéus, Gunnar
    et al.
    Zetterberg, KentSwedish Defence University, Department of Military Studies, Joint Warfare Division, Military History Section.
    Realism eller illusion: Svensk säkerhetspolitik under kalla kriget2016Collection (editor) (Other academic)
  • 17.
    Axelson, Klara
    Swedish Defence University.
    Den humanitära stormakten på imperiernas kyrkogård: En studie om Utrikesdepartementets syn på Sveriges engagemang i ISAF 2001-20142020Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • 18.
    Bagge, Christian
    Swedish Defence University.
    DEN BEVÄPNADE DRÖNAREN, SMÅSTATENS FRÄMSTA MEDEL FÖR MOTSTÅND? EN FALLSTUDIE FRÅN KRIGET I UKRAINA2022Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    I inledningen av den storskaliga ryska invasionen av Ukraina tilldrog sig en relativt ny typ av vapensystem, den beväpnade drönaren, stor uppmärksamhet. Denna typ av system och dess framtida roll inom krigföringen har varit och är fortfarande omdebatterad. Forskningen har fram till nyligen, till stor del, saknat relevant empiri för att undersöka den beväpnade drönarens effekt i en mellanstatlig högteknologisk konflikt.

    Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka en mindre stats nyttjande av UCAV som ett sätt att projicera luftmakt. I det här fallet genom en fallstudie av konflikten i Ukraina. För att belysa Ukrainas användande av UCAV har en luftmaktsteori benämnd, Underdog’s Model, nyttjats. Modellen, framtagen av Arash Heydarian Pashakhanlou, syftar till att beskriva hur en mindre stat genom goda prestationer inom sex specifika faktorer, kan gå segrande ur en väpnad konflikt mot en starkare motståndare.

    Studien visar att Ukraina i mycket hög grad uppnått goda prestationer inom modellens faktorer. Effekten av de ukrainska UCAV-operationerna förefaller också, i krigets inledande fas vara mycket stor. Efter krigets första månader avtar dock denna effekt något, på grund av en motståndarens anpassning och nyttjande av motmedel.

    Underdog’s Model har en relativt god, om än inte fullständig, förklaringskraft beträffande Ukrainas användning av UCAV i konflikten. Nyttjande av UCAV framstår som en kostnadseffektiv väg för en småstat att projicera luftmakt i en asymmetrisk konflikt. Dock har vissa sårbarheter hos sådana system blivit mer framträdande varefter konflikten fortskridit. 

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  • 19.
    Bakkelunn, Niklas
    Swedish Defence University.
    Blixtkrig: fortfarande tillämpbart efter andra världskriget?2012Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This work analyzed the German blitzkrieg in World War II to produce fourcomparison dimensions that can be said is the essence of blitzkrieg. Thesecomparative dimensions are then used in case studies to highlight the process ofblitzkrieg. I make two case studies in my work in Israel and the U.S. war in the SixDay War of 1967 and the Iraq war 2003.In World War II the Germans achieved great success in the beginning of the warbecause they used the blitzkrieg. After World War II, one can wonder whetherblitzkrieg is still feasible and the necessary conditions for this. The purpose of mystudy is to examine the key components of blitzkrieg after World War II.The method I am using in my work is qualitative text analysis, based on previousresearch on lightning war. In the analysis section, I make a comparative analysis ofmy two case studies.

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  • 20.
    Becker, Per
    Avdelningen för Riskhantering och Samhällssäkerhet, Lunds universitet, (SWE).
    Sustainability Science: Managing Risk and Resilience for Sustainable Development2023 (ed. 2)Book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Continues to fill gaps between the descriptive, conceptual, and transformative sustainability science.

    Sustainability is increasingly important across functional sectors and scientific disciplines. Policy-makers, practitioners, and academics continue to wrestle with the complexity of risk, resilience, and sustainability, but because of the necessary transdisciplinary focus, it is difficult to find authoritative content in a single source. Sustainability Science: Managing Risk and Resilience for Sustainable Development, Second Edition, contributes to filling that gap and is completely revised with several new chapters. It asserts that all efforts for the sustainability of humankind are undermined by the four fundamental challenges of complexity, uncertainty, ambiguity, and dynamic change. While there are no silver bullets, this book contends that we need systems approaches, risk approaches, participatory approaches, and resilience approaches to address each of them and endeavours to provide such. With that in mind, this book describes the state of the world (Part I), proposes a way to approach the world (Part II), and suggests how to set out to change the world (Part III).

  • 21.
    Bendiksen, Roy Severeide
    Swedish Defence University.
    Operasjonell ildstøtte: Potensial for 9x styrkemultiplikasjon ved bruk av digital kommunikasjon2018Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [no]

    Militære operasjoner er i vedvarende endring, hvor en sentral utviklingstrend er bruk av tekniske hjelpemiddel. Dette har medført nye og mer effektive samhandlingsmåter og en påfølgende økning i innslag av fellesoperasjoner. Oppgaven handler om hvordan denne utviklingstrenden påvirker den operasjonelle ildstøttens bidrag til at landmakten kjerneoppdrag – å finne, binde og ramme motstan- deren. Dette tilnærmes gjennom å undersøke hvordan innføringen av digital kommunikasjon påvir- ker det operasjonelle ildstøttesystemets potensial for å skape effekt i det militære spillerom.

    Oppgavens undersøkelse viser at digital kommunikasjon gir ytelsesforbedring gjennom kompresjon av tid, hvilket i tur muliggjør situasjonsspesifikk styrkemultiplikasjon gjennom ekspansjon av rom. Samtidig indikeres det at situasjonsspesifikke kombinasjoner operasjonell ildstøtte har potensial for 3x ytelsesbedring og opp til 9x styrkemultiplikasjon, hvilket betyr at man kan bruke mindre ressurser for å oppnå samme effekt eller de samme ressurser for å oppnå en større effekt! Realisering av potensialet for styrkemultiplikasjon setter økte krav til den metodiske målbekjempningsprosessen og da spesielt kunnskap om egne muligheter og begrensninger. Dette handler om operasjonskunst og peker på viktigheten av systemkompetanse i planlegging og utførelse av operasjoner.

    Innføring av digital kommunikasjon må ses i sammenheng med hvordan pågående utviklingstrend skyver på det operasjonelle ildstøttesystemets sosio-tekniske balanse. Forståelse av fenomenet blir derfor viktig for videre funksjon- og kapabilitetsutvikling.

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  • 22.
    Bergman, David
    Swedish Defence University, Institutionen för ledarskap och ledning, Leadership and Command & Control Division Stockholm.
    Ondskans etik - en reflektion2024In: Vägar till militär etik / [ed] Magna Robertsson; David Bergman, Lund: Studentlitteratur AB, 2024, 2, p. 197-214Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 23.
    Bergström, Helena
    Swedish National Defence College. Helmut Schmidt University.
    13 years - Freedom or Security?: A theory testing case study about how cultural dimensions of job motivation are related to organizational structure in the military2014Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    In a world where multinational cooperation and cross-cultural challenges are part of daily life, understanding cultures has become increasingly important. That people and organizations develop together might seem obvious, but that culture can be studied to understand the structure and approach of organizations, is perhaps less so.

    In this paper, a major structural difference in the armed forces of Germany and Sweden is examined; having to sign a contract to serve for 13 years or not having to sign a contract with service length restrictions. Hofstede's theory Dimensions of National Culture is applied to the case to see whether the cadets' motivation and behavior is affected by this major difference in the two otherwise very similar organizations. The study aims also to explore whether the findings can be considered correct given that semi-structured interviews were conducted to see if the thoughts of the cadets are in line with what the theory claims.

    The conclusion is that the theory can be used to understand how cadets' motivation and behavior supports the structural organizations present in Germany and Sweden. However, the interviews show that the theory is very generalizing and that not all cadets' thoughts are consistent with what the theory states in every case.

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    13 years - Freedom or Security?
  • 24.
    Bergström, Jennifer
    Swedish Defence University.
    "Här finns inga lyxfruar och ingen kverulans": En narrativanalys av pressens berättelser om Svenska Lottakåren under beredskapstiden2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This bachelor’s thesis examines the narrative about the Swedish Women’s Volountary Defence Organization (Svenska Lottakåren) in Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Göteborgs Handels- och Sjöfartstidning, and Svenska Dagbladet during the preparedness period (beredskapstiden) through a qualitative narrative analysis. Drawing from Lawrence Freedman’s theory of strategic narratives, the research sheds light on the newspaper’s role in shaping perceptions of Lottakåren and its efforts during the period. Furthermore, it investigates the narratives implications on a strategic level. The study concludes that the narrative may have influenced public perceptions of Lottakåren, serving specific strategic aims, such as creating support for the organization within society, fostering unity withing the organization, encourage volunteering and recruitment of new members. In doing so, this research fills a gap in knowledge on the subject while emphasizing the press’s vital role at a strategic level in times of war and crisis. 


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  • 25.
    Berry, Gustav
    Swedish Defence University, Department of Military History, Military History Division.
    Planer för en ny tillvaro2024In: Historisk Tidskrift, ISSN 0345-469X, E-ISSN 2002-4827, Vol. 144, no 1, p. 76-83Article in journal (Other academic)
  • 26.
    Birkoff, Måns
    Swedish Defence University.
    Ukrainakriget i nyhetspressen: En kvalitativ undersökning av tidningsrapporteringen om Ukrainakriget i två svenska tidningar under 2022 jämfört med 20142024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The war in Ukraine had a large media presence during both 2014 and 2022. The way media frames information about the conflict can lead to the reader of said media to be influenced into viewing actors and events in a certain way, which can have an effect on public opinion and political decision making. Because of this framing theory is used as the theoretical basis to analyze the Swedish newspapers Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter. The goal of this analysis is to form an understanding about how the media has framed the Ukraine war over time. To reach this goal the analysis attempts to answer the following questions: How Swedish newspapers have framed the Ukraine war during 2022 and 2014? Is the framing in these papers biased towards any actors in 2022 and how does this compare to 2014? How does the framing of the conflict in 2022 differ from previous studies of the events from 2014? The analysis has been conducted using qualitative text analysis, and the result of this is presented both using text and by using a quantitative method through charts. The analysis focuses on 241 different newspaper articles published between February 2022 and July 2022 and two studies focusing on the Swedish news framing during 2014. The result of the analysis shows continuity in the framing as both focused heavily on the Russia vs west struggle that is playing out on the international and domestic political stage, instead of the war itself. There were some changes however, as 2022 introduced new subjects such as migration, economy and energy crisis to the framing of the war in Ukraine. The analysis also shows that the framing of the media in 2022 is heavily biased towards Ukraine with only a small amount of pro russian tendencies, which is a similar result to what was presented by previous studies covering the conflict during 2014.

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  • 27. Björeman, Carl
    Försvarets förfall: Konsten att lägga ned försvaret utan att någon bryr sig2011Book (Other academic)
  • 28. Björeman, Carl
    Sex överbefälhavare söker en roll2017Book (Other academic)
  • 29. Björeman, Carl
    Var vi redo?: svenska armén under kalla kriget2013Book (Other academic)
  • 30. Björeman, Carl
    År av uppgång, år av nedgång: Försvarets ödesväg under beredskapsåren och det kalla kriget2009Book (Other academic)
  • 31.
    Boman, Lukas
    Swedish Defence University.
    Finland som underrättelsemål eller vän: C-byråns underrättelseverksamhet i Finland under andra världskriget2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Intelligence organizations and their operations are by their nature secretive and want to continue as such. This problematizes research around them and especially intelligence cooperation with other countries can be considered among the most secret parts of an intelligence organization. This is put in the context of the essay where Sweden and Finland have a long and extensive historical relationship. That relationship also includes military aspects with volunteer soldiers and even today with the joint decision to apply to NATO. Previous research on Swedish intelligence gathering and intelligence cooperation in Finland has been sparse and scattered in larger works that have focused largely on the Swedish intelligence organization and its operations.

    The purpose of the essay is twofold. One is to map the Swedish intelligence gathering in Finland by C-byrån and see how it changed during the course of the war. The second is to highlight and discuss the intelligence cooperation between the Swedish and Finnish intelligence services. Since the purpose is twofold, two different theoretical frameworks and researchers' thoughts will be used. The first is Agrell's thoughts on different types of intelligence, which will be used to analyze what is obtained in Finland. The second is Michael Herman's thoughts on intelligence cooperation, which will be used to explain and discuss the Swedish-Finnish intelligence cooperation. The method chosen for this essay is a qualitative text analysis with a close reading of reports carried out. The essay will also contain elements of quantitative methods in the form of a table and figures to more easily visualize some of the results. The end result of this essay is that the C-byråns intelligence gathering in Finland changed in volume and type of intelligence during the course of the war. Within the intelligence cooperation, it is established that the cooperation was at its greatest and in clarity during the Finnish Winter War. After the Finnish Winter War cooperation decreased and became discreet, then returned during the Lapland War in clarity. Intelligence cooperation with the Finnish intelligence service became a method of approach and a professional exchange for the C-byrån to obtain intelligence on active war experience of how Soviet troops fight and their tactics.

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  • 32.
    Bousquet, Antoine
    Birkbeck College, UK.
    Cyberneticizing the American war machine: science and computers in the Cold War2008In: Cold War History, ISSN 1468-2745, E-ISSN 1743-7962, Vol. 8, no 1, p. 77-102Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    American victory in World War II was perceived to be due in large part to its scientific and technological superiority, best exemplified by the development of the atom bomb. Throughout the Cold War, scientific theories and methodologies were recruited even more extensively to weigh on military and strategic affairs. Cybernetics, along with operations research and systems analysis, sought to impose order and predictability on warfare through the collection, processing, and distribution of information. The emergence of the notion of command-and-control epitomized a centralizing approach which saw military organization purely as a vast techno-social machine to be integrated and directed on the basis of the predictions of mathematical models and the deployment of cybernetic technologies. Preparation for a nuclear conflict with the Soviet Union was the primary focus of this conception of warfare but it failed spectacularly the test of Vietnam, thereby dramatically revealing its theoretical and practical bankruptcy. Indeed, cybernetic warfare was deeply flawed in its restrictive assumptions about conflict, its exclusive focus on quantitative elements, its dismissal of any views that did not conform to its norms of scientificity, and its neglect of the risks of information inaccuracy and overload.

  • 33.
    Bousquet, Antoine
    Birkbeck, University of London, UK.
    The Scientific Way of Warfare: Order and Chaos on the Battlefields of Modernity2009Book (Refereed)
  • 34.
    Bousquet, Antoine
    Swedish Defence University, Department of Political Science and Law, Political Science Division.
    The Scientific Way of Warfare: Order and Chaos on the Battlefields of Modernity2022 (ed. 2)Book (Refereed)
  • 35. Bousquet, Antoine
    Time Zero: Hiroshima, September 11 and Apocalyptic Revelations in Historical Consciousness2006In: Millennium: Journal of International Studies, ISSN 0305-8298, E-ISSN 1477-9021, Vol. 34, no 3, p. 739-764Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This article considers the place of the Hiroshima bombing and the September 11 attacks as singular acts of violence constituting major points of rupture in the historical consciousness and chronological narratives of the Western world: Ground Zero is Time Zero. Geographically and temporally delineated instances of intense death and destruction, both acts have been construed as moments when the world `changed for ever'. Our schemata of interpretation — the mental frameworks through which we impose meaning and continuity on the world around us and determine the range of our expectations — were violently overthrown by those events, shattered by images that exceed our minds' capabilities of re presentation and symbols that challenge our liberal metanarratives of ineluctable progress. By bringing to the fo re their aesthetic dimension and reading them through the lens of the Kantian notion of the sublime, we can grasp those events in their original intensity as overwhelming revelatory experiences. Apocalyptic both in their imagery and the meaning attributed to them, those unprecedented acts of terror re p resent turning-points in our reconstituted historical narratives, marking a culmination of history leading to it as well as the start of a new era in which it is proclaimed that many previous assumptions no longer hold.

  • 36.
    Brenner, Björn
    Swedish Defence University, Department of Security, Strategy and Leadership (ISSL), Division of Strategy.
    The Deradicalization of Islamists by Islamists: Hamas's Kid Glove Approach to Salafi Jihadists in the Gaza Strip, 2010-20152017In: Strategic Assessment, ISSN 0793-8942, Vol. 20, no 1Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The Hamas administration in the Gaza Strip first set out to crush the area’s Salafi jihadist groups by force. Once Hamas realized that the Salafi jihadi problem was more serious than it had first anticipated, however, Hamas’s approach shifted gradually, from a strategy of attempted elimination to one of containment and assimilation. Indeed, several of the pursued militants proved to be former colleagues from the Qassam Brigades who had grown disillusioned with Hamas and defected to fringe groups. This article examines how Hamas, as part of a new and progressive approach, aimed to rehabilitate these individuals by enrolling them in a prison-based deradicalization program that sought to appeal to a common ideological and religious base in Islam, treating Salafi jihadists as patients rather than as common criminals.

  • 37.
    Brodrej, Pepule Majken
    Swedish Defence University.
    Potential AI Application In The Swedish Army And Its Relation To The Holiness Of Life: A study of army officers' narratives on the military experience in the face of AI2023Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This master thesis examines army officer's view of the social implications of AI within the Swedish Army, as well as what is required of researchers to understand the implications of AI. The thesis is based on an interpretive study of the army officers' narrative and is supported by contemporary research on AI for military use. The theoretical framework includes ideas on social contracts, transrational sentiments, emotions (like love) as meaning making, human life as Holy and bounded rationality. The theme of the Holiness of human life opens up a discussion about the value of trust, hope and love within the activities of the Swedish Army. The analysis describes how the view of AI is partly positive, while simultaneously containing skepticism and fear that technical optimism will lead to a destructive use of it. Participants in the study describe AI's rationality in contrast to human rationality, and war is presented as a non-rational social process. This leads the study to an interpretation of the meaning of the officers distancing and fear towards AI. It addresses the risks of a higher AI usage rate in war, which include; decision makers loss of credibility, devaluation of life and the appearance of war as nonsensical and meaningless, which could contribute to an indifference towards human life and suffering. The conclusion addresses human life as a human responsibility because its meaning and value is socially constructed, the benefits of exploring AI capabilities and the significance of understanding the social culture where the AI is to be used - as it affects the application outcome.

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    Potential AI application in the Swedish Army and its relation to the Holiness of Life - Pepule Brodrej
  • 38.
    Böhme, Klaus-Richard
    Swedish National Defence College, Department of Military Studies, The Military History Division.
    The city republic and the absolute warlord: Danzig and Karl XII in the Nordic-War - German - Saarinen,H1997In: Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft, ISSN 0044-2828, Vol. 45, no 2, p. 177-179Article, book review (Other academic)
  • 39.
    Carlqvist, David
    Swedish Defence University.
    Att trona på minnen från fornstora dar: En studie av den svenska flottans övningar 1921-19222022Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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    David Carlqvist, Att trona på minnen från fornstora dar - En studie av den svenska flottans övningar 1921-1922
  • 40.
    Carlzon, Björn
    Swedish National Defence College.
    Gustav II Adolf: bakomliggande orsaker till omorganisationen av krigsmakten2009Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syftet med denna uppsats är att jag skall efterforska, och redovisa de bakomliggande orsaker som kan ligga i grunden till svaret, varför Gustav II Adolf genomförde de stora förändringarna inom Sveriges krigsmakt. Författarens frågeställning inför arbetet på denna uppsatsen var som följande:

    • Vad och vilka kan ha utgjort en bakomliggande kraft till att Gustav II Adolf genomförde så stora förändringar inom den Svenska krigsmakten?
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  • 41.
    Cicek, Edvin
    Swedish Defence University.
    Framing the public opinion on military conflict2021Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    In many cases, an effective method used by political elites to influence public opinion is throughframing strategies. The use of frames by political elites has the power to change the opinion of agreat mass of people. On October 9, 2019, Turkey launched the military operation Peace Spring.Despite being criticized internationally, the Turkish president managed through framing of theoperation, gaining public approval in its domestic sphere. The purpose of this article is to analysehow president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan frames Operation Peace Spring through Twitter as primarysource. The results show that Erdoğan uses a complex framing that contains several recurringsegments that build on each other and enhances the overall effect.

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  • 42. Collier, Paul
    et al.
    Finlan, Alastair
    Swedish Defence University, Department of Military Studies, Joint Warfare Division, Joint Operations Section.
    Grove, Mark
    Grove, Philip
    Hart, Russell
    Hart, Stephen
    Havers, Robin
    Horner, Davis
    Jukes, Geoffrey
    Hastings, Max
    The Second World War2018 (ed. 2nd)Book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The Second World War was the most devastating conflict in human history and one which provides innumerable lessons - military, political, and moral. Across the globe, both soldier and civilian endured suffering on a scale previously unknown to humanity as nations grappled with the demands of total war.

  • 43. Colman, Jonathan
    et al.
    Widen, Jerker
    Swedish Defence University, Department of Military Studies, War Studies Division, Sektionen för marina operationer (KV Marin).
    The Johnson Administration and the Recruitment of Allies in Vietnam, 1964-19682009In: History: The Journal of the Historical Association, ISSN 0018-2648, E-ISSN 1468-229X, Vol. 94, no 316, p. 483-504Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The Vietnam War has generated a vast literature but one which has often forgotten that the United States fought in Vietnam as part of a coalition. This article examines Washington's efforts under President Lyndon B. Johnson to recruit third country combat assistance. He and his colleagues sought military help less for practical reasons than for political ones as a way of legitimizing the war both domestically and abroad. However, no NATO countries were willing to participate, and some of the five troop-contributing countries (Australia, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea, the Philippines, and Thailand) were attracted probably more by American largesse than by idealism. In exploring the diplomacy of coalition-building, this article has a contemporary resonance in the light of the military campaigns initiated by the White House since 2003.

  • 44.
    Dahlström, William
    Swedish Defence University.
    Rysslands hybridkrig i Sahel. Gamla metoder, nya aktörer? En komparativ studie om aktiva åtgärder i Mali 2019-2023 och Angola 1974-19762024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Russia's renewed interest and involvement in the African continent is reminiscent of a time when the Soviet Union supported various ideologically aligned groups to win a geopolitical power struggle and assert its position as a global superpower. The motives seem to have changed, but the question is whether Russian warfare in Africa has changed as well. In this comparative study, the Soviet Union's support for the MPLA and their takeover in Angola in 1975 is compared with Russia's support for the military junta that seized power in Mali after a military coup in 2020, aiming to determine how Russian/Soviet warfare in Africa has evolved over time. Supported by Thomas Rid and Lars Ulfving's theoretical framework on so-called active measures, three operationalized variables are identified and analyzed as: white, gray, and black. Through qualitative text analysis, reports and literature from the cases are examined. The results of this study provide a deeper understanding of how hybrid warfare has been and is currently used as a means of Russian influence in Africa. The methods for this have rather been reinforced than changed historically by global development trends, especially the spread of information technology and the utilization of private companies and other actors. This study has confirmed that there is a historically rooted common Russian strategy to acquire and exert influence, a strategy based on the Soviet Union's traditional methods, active measures. A dual strategy consisting of both official policies and unofficial means where the unofficial means are driven by private actors, facilitating Russia's plausible deniability.


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  • 45.
    Dahrné, Per
    Swedish National Defence College.
    Sjöstriden och den offensiva kulten: En studie av The Grand Fleet 1914-182016Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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  • 46.
    Damm, Douglas
    Swedish Defence University.
    Operation Moked: Sexdagarskriget – Överraskning inom de israeliska luftoperationerna2013Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The research regarding the six day war and the aerial operations named Operation Moked is extensive but there are certain shortcomings in the research that examines both the operation and the principle of surprise.

    The aim of this paper is to contribute to this research by utilising existing military theories on the principle of surprise in order to identify indicators that are representative of surprise.  These indicators are thereafter used in a study of Operation Moked in order to examine the extent of in which the principle was utilised.

    The result of this research goes to show that the principle of surprise was utilised in great extent by Israel during Operation Moked.

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    Operation Moked Sexdagarskriget – Överraskning inom de israeliska luftoperationerna.
  • 47.
    Danbrink, Pontus
    Swedish Defence University.
    Seger i Italien under andra världskriget2024Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The allied campaign in Italy had a significant relevance during World War 2. It was one of the first joint operations carried out, which brought significant challenges. The general perception of the war in Italy was that it was a superior Allied victory and that it was unnecessary and costly, diverting resources from the planned invasion of Normandy. The British did not want to commit its forces to France until German resources were diminished and the Soviet Union demanded a new front in Europe. So, the Allies choose to hit the soft underbelly of the Axis, Italy. Once Italy removed itself from the war, the Allies expected an easy walk to Rome. But that’s not accurate, as the Germans in Italy proved to be a tough opponent despite their numerical inferiority. The major issue with victory in war is that it´s not black or white, victory can be seen from many different angles and perspectives. 

    This study aims to examine the campaign in Italy from Sicily to Rome based on two theories of victory. This is to gain a broader understanding of the campaign. From the analysis, it can be seen that both sides achieved victories from different perspectives. 

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  • 48.
    de Joussineau de Tourdonnet, Philip
    Swedish National Defence College.
    Manöverkrigföring under operation Gazelle: En teoriprövande fallstudie av israeliska arméns agerande under Oktoberkriget 19732014Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this thesis is to disclose the extension of Maneuver Warfare in the strategies that were practiced by Israel during Operation Gazelle. This was analyzed through a qualitative text analysis of scientific papers, books and maps. This study points out that the Israeli army applied the theories during the operation, but lacked the use of combined arms of air support for the ground units.

  • 49.
    Dempsey, Elias
    Swedish Defence University.
    Drönare i marinen, etisk försvarbart och taktiskt motiverbart?: En teorikonsumerande studie om drönare i marinen2021Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This paper examines tactical and ethical considerations for the implementation of drones in the Swedish naval forces. Research concerning ethics and the use of drones differ between being an accepted technology in warfare and an unfair advantage for the user. Research of tactical aspects in using drones show clear advantages for naval tactics. While several nations worldwide have adopted drones in their navy Sweden has not. By examining what considerations can be made concerning ethics and tactics, the implementation of drones can be made easier. 

    By applying an ethical perspective aspect for drones and one theory concerning the tactical aspect for naval warfare and applying these to different drones, this study examines whether drones can fulfill naval duties simultaneously as well as being ethical in their usage. 

    The analysis shows that unarmed drones can with ease solve the majority of tactical tasks ethically. Drones which are produced with weapon capability can theoretically complete all tactical assignments however, cannot be considered as being ethical. The findings show that armed drones are not considered ethical; un- armed drones can be exploited in the Swedish naval forces while being ethical and that ethical theory con- cerning drones in the armed forces needs developing in both war and peacetime 

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  • 50.
    Douglas, Christina
    Swedish Defence University, Institutionen för ledarskap och ledning, Leadership and Command & Control Division Stockholm.
    [Recension av:] Pasewalck, Silke; Eidukevičienė, Rūta; Johanning-Radžienė, Antje; Klöker, Martin (Hrsg.): Baltische Bildungsgeschichte(n) 2024In: H-Soz-Kult: Communication and information services for historical research, E-ISSN 2196-5307Article, book review (Other academic)
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