There is no doubt that the migration crisis has hit hard on Europe and continues to do so as long as the European Union (EU) stays paralyzed. The aim of this study is to analyze how the behavior of the member states have changed during the fall of 2015 due to the migration crisis and to what extend it has affected the European security community. The research question therefor seeks to answer how the migration crisis is effecting the interstate relations and thus the European collaboration. Based on the theory of security communities by Emanuel Adler and Michael Barnett the study seeks to describe if the member states have acted accordingly with the indicators that makes EU a mature security community. Based on a qualitative methodology two analysis schemes have been created to determine if the European security community is about to disintegrate or just develop backwards. The result of the study shows that the migration crisis has affected the European security community to the extent that it developed backwards.
Suggested future research includes further investigation of how the other indicators are affected by a contradicting behavior from the member states and what that means for the European security community. The indicator concerning a common definition of threat should in future research be given more attention.