The essay is based on a change in the Arctic, where the ice melts increasingly, leading to an signif-icantly interest from many states since the changed environment enables new routes and opportu-nities to extract oil, gas, fishing, etc.
There are currently political conflicts around this area that could turn to an armed battle in the fu-ture. Fighting in these areas is challenging for the armed forces because they will face long dis-tance offshore. Since the air force has got a more important role offshore and can operate over larger areas, the purpose of this essay is to find success factors in the use of the air force that can be attached to a conflict in the Arctic region.
The battle of the Falkland Islands was an armed conflict that has many similarities with the Arctic region because of the environment. By making a theory consuming study, in which the air force theories "the opponent as a system" by John Warden and "air superiority" by Giulio Gouhet will be used, the empirical material on the Falklands War will be analyzed and a number of success factors will prove.
The study proves the importance of using air power in this type of battle and to directly use these to strike at selected targets of the opponent at an early stage which can lead to major benefits. Since aviation's impact in such conflicts is increasing, it shows the importance of achieving air superiority.