Swedish arms export is one of the world´s largest per capita in the world today, an export that occur to countries heavily criticized for a lack of human rights. Despite the strong support of the development of international control mechanisms to counter export to countries with poor human rights, support of arms control as well as the Swedish participation in international peace support operations, the policy has to a limited extent been affected. The study starts from the assumption that cabinet formations with varying degrees of idealism and realism, and if the cabinet has a majority or minority, should pursue a policy of arms export that differs and reflect this. An assumption based in fundamental ideological beliefs and scepticism or enthusiasm towards NATO. Three different cabinet formations during 2002-2014 are studied, focusing on bills and committee reports with the lenses of idealism and realism. The results of the study show that differences exist, albeit subtle ones. The overall result shows a policy justified in terms of economy and industry where no need to change the Swedish guidelines are considered to exist. Although such a desire occasionally is expressed, the result indicates difficulties to unite on a common bill. Arms export and the need of such is justified in terms of idealistic goals, with means of a realistic character to achieve them.