The Royal Swedish Academy of War Sciences, Division of Military Technology, presents its annual report on the theme "Zero Tolerance for Losses in International Operations". Focus has been on own personnel and losses by combat action.) The study primarily concerns the land arena and the time span 2020-2030. Weapons development continues. The availability of weapons – even advanced ones – increases, also for non-state belligerents. Zero tolerance will require more and more efficient protection solutions to be developed – and to be used to meet increasing threats. Available technology offers many options. Zero tolerance requires high skills of the planner and purchaser, to ensure long-term research and development, timely acquisition and training, and ability to understand potential, limitations, and to adjust tactics accordingly. Holistic systems thinking will be required before, during and after interventions, including staff recruitment, advanced leadership, adequate equipment and high quality training in order to be able to fulfil a difficult mission in the highly complex environment in which the operation will occur.
Bihäfte, Kungl Krigsvetenskapsakademiens Handlingar och Tidskrift