This report of the prevention of violent extremism in conflict zones is the result of the government commission given to the Swedish National Defence College in December 2011. The problem of young men travelling to conflict zones such as Somalia, Pakistan - and now recently Syria - to fight has become increasingly apparent in several European countries. The report deals with experience and lessons from, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark as regards the preventive work these countries undertake to address violent Islamic extremism - both at home and abroad. Particular emphasis is placed on lessons learned regarding recruitment to conflict zones. In respect to countries outside the EU, particular attention is given to preventive measures in Pakistan, Somalia and Kenya. The report also considers consequences for the situation in Sweden and provides recommendations for consideration in Sweden.
Engelsk sammanfattning av rapporten: Förebyggande av våldsbejakande extremism i tredjeland : åtgärder för att förhindra att personer ansluter sig till väpnade extremistgrupper i konfliktzoner