Comparison of the recruiting process and the competences needed for Swedish Specialist Officers and Austrian Non-Commisioned Officers on Infantry Section level for the purpose of improvement of the Swedish system
2013 (English)Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesisAlternative title
En komparativ studie av rekryteringsprocessen och de kompetenser som behövs för svenska specialistofficerare och österrikiska underofficerare på gruppnivå ingående i lätta skytteförband i syfte att förbättra det svenska systemet (Swedish)
Abstract [en]
Sweden recently reinstated a system with two types of officers after almost 25 years of using a single type only. This has been done while the Swedish Armed Forces are in their biggest downsizing phase for a long time. The importance of recruiting the right individuals and giving them the best possible education has never been greater. One of the best ways to avoid mistakes is to look at another nation with a solid tradition of having a two officer system.
In this thesis the Author conducts a qualitative study of official documents and expert interviews and compares the recruiting process, education system and competences needed in Sweden and Austria.
The research shows that the Swedish system, with quite small and easy changes, could be greatly improved by embracing some of the more positive element of the Austrian system. This would be achieved by:
- Giving platoon leaders and company commanders more input in the recruiting process.
- Structuring the education in a step-by-step frame with three parts of six months.
- Creating a more structured document that regulates what military skills, and under what circumstances, a graduate should have.
Implementing these changes would greatly increase the usefulness of newly graduated Specialist Officers. Both in terms of their actual increase in military skills but also because units will have greater input and knowledge of the graduates’ skills.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2013. , p. 73
Keywords [en]
Non-commissioned officers, NCO, recruiting procedure, selection process, education, competence, specialist officer, infantry, section leader, sergeant
Keywords [sv]
Non-Commissioned Officer, NCO, rekryteringsförfarande, urvalsprocess, utbildning, kompetens, specialistofficer, lätt skytte, gruppchef, 1:e sergant
National Category
Social Sciences
URN: urn:nbn:se:fhs:diva-4032OAI:, id: diva2:632480
Subject / course
War Studies, Thesis
Educational program
Officersprogrammet (OP)
2013-08-132013-06-252018-08-16Bibliographically approved