Interactive Teaching of Military-Technology: A Pilot Study of Implementation
2011 (English)In: Stockholm Contributions in Military-Technology 2010 / [ed] Åke Sivertun, Stockholm: Försvarshögskolan , 2011, 1, p. 141-150Chapter in book (Refereed)
Abstract [en]
The interactive learning platform Comp Edu, developed and used since 1997 at the Division of Heat and Power Technology at the Royal Institute of Technology, has recently been introduced as a new tool for teaching Military-Technology at the Swedish National Defence College. In this pilot study, interactive teaching has been tested at the initial training of junior officers at the Swedish National Defence College. Results from a student evaluation of the tool are presented. These results will be incorporated in future implementations of this interactive teaching method on a broader scale in Military-Technology. The students appreciated the freedom of being able to choose when and where to study the pensum and found CompEdu being an excellent tool for facilitating reviewing the chapter before an exam. An outline for future work is presented.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Stockholm: Försvarshögskolan , 2011, 1. p. 141-150
Stockholm Contributions in Military-Technology, ISSN 1654-9775 ; 2
Keywords [en]
Military-technology, International Society of Military Sciences Conference, Interactive teaching, CompEdu
Keywords [sv]
Militärteknik, International Society of Military Sciences Conference, elärande, distansundervisning, CompEdu
National Category
Other Engineering and Technologies
Research subject
Military Technology
URN: urn:nbn:se:fhs:diva-2107ISBN: 978-91-86137-07-6 (print)OAI:, id: diva2:452573
2011-10-312011-10-312025-02-10Bibliographically approved