Denna uppsats avser lämna ett bidrag till ökad spårbarhet mellan den svenska UAV-utvecklingen och Försvarsmaktsidé 2020. Detta görs genom att undersöka vilka uppgifter UAV:er kan komma att lösa vid ett väpnat angrepp på Sverige.
The Swedish development of Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV) is not entirely in accordance with the Swedish Armed Forces’ intention for the future battlefield in Defence Idea 2020 (FMI 2020). This essay aims at increasing the accordance between Defence Idea 2020 and the development of UAVs by examining tasks for UAVs in one out of three strategic situations in Defence Idea 2020. The chosen strategic situation 1 (STS 1) deals with an armed attack on Sweden. Furthermore an attempt will be made to decide if there are any tasks given to UAVs in STS 1 that are unsuitable for its development as well as if there are any tasks that could be given priority.
The essay gives proposals on a definition of UAVs, a classification of them and describes the experiences of the global UAV-development.
These experiences are analysed and compared with the Swedish intention for the future battlefield represented by the nature of the future battle, Revolution in Military Affairs and STS 1. The analysis will result in an example of what tasks UAVs can fulfil in STS 1.