Agenter eller kun gode naboer?: svensk-norsk sikkerhets- og forsvarspolitisk samarbeide - i går, i dag og i morgen
2001 (Norwegian)Student paper other
Student thesis
Abstract [no]
Dette arbeidet gransker svensk-norsk sikkerhetspolitisk, forsvarspolitisk og militært samarbeide i perioden 1945 – 2000. Sentralt i oppgaven står også de to lands forhold til EU og NATO. Siden 1949 har Norge vært medlem av NATO, mens Sverige etter den andre verdenskrig fortsatte sin nøytralitetspolitikk. Skjult foregikk det allikevel et militært samarbeide mellom landene, og oppgaven forsøker å svare på om Norge har vært en agent for Sverige i NATO. Med svensk EU-medlemskap og utviklingen av en militær kapasitet for krisehåndtering i EU, er rollene på en måte snudd. Oppgaven forsøker derfor også å svare på om Sverige har tatt på seg rollen som agent for Norge i dette arbeidet innenfor den europeiske unionen.Oppgaven avsluttes med en gjenomgang av mulige områder for fremtidig samarbeide mellom de to land på det sikkerhetspolitiske, forsvarspolitiske og militære området.
Abstract [en]
This essay focuses on the security-policy, defense-policy and military relations between Norway and Sweden during the period 1945 –2001. One of the main issues in this report is to investigate the two countries’ relations to the European Union and the NATO-alliance. Norway has been a member of NATO since 1949, while Sweden during the Cold War held on to its policy of neutrality. Nevertheless, a secret military cooperation between the two states took place, and this essay tries to find out whether Norway has been an agent for Sweden in its relations with NATO. In 1995 Sweden joined the European Union and has, as a member of the EU, worked hard to create a military crisis-management capability within the union. This signifies that the roles of the two Nordic countries has somewhat changed. Sweden is today a member of the EU, and Norway is not. This report also tries to investigate whether Sweden has taken the role as an agent for Norway in the Common Security and Defense Policy within the EU. I have found out that there has been a close connection between Norway and Sweden during the Cold War. Norway has helped Sweden in its efforts to prepare for western military support, in case of a military crisis or war in the northern parts of Europe. Nevertheless, I cannot characterize Norway as an agent. In the case of Sweden as an agent for Norway, my conclusions are the same: I have not found any evidence that Sweden wants to fill the role as a liaison between Norway and the EU.The third part of this essay focuses on the future, and what possible future relations I can foresee in the defense sector relating the two countries. My conclusions are that there are many functional areas in which the Nordic countries can cooperate, especially within the business of peacekeeping operations. The already existing “Nordic Coordinated Arrangement for Military Peace Support” will probably function as the core for future joint military effort and cooperation between Norway and Sweden.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2001. , p. 60
Keywords [sv]
Säkerhetspolitik, Försvarspolitik, EU, NATO, Sverige, Norge, Uppsatser, Chefsprogrammet, Chefsprogrammet 1999-2001
National Category
Social Sciences
URN: urn:nbn:se:fhs:diva-1905OAI:, id: diva2:429481
Educational program
Chefsprogrammet. (ChP)
Social and Behavioural Science, Law
Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.
Hylla: Upps. ChP 99-01
2011-07-052011-07-042011-07-05Bibliographically approved