Svenska logistikföreträdare vid internationella insatser: ett kompetensförsörjningsproblem?
2003 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesis
Abstract [sv]
Våra internationella insatser är resurskrävande. Logistikföreträdare har uppgifter före,under och efter en insats. Har vi tillräckligt många logistikofficerare med rätt kvalitet föratt tillgodose framtida behov?Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om utbildningen av logistikofficerare är rätt,dvs. om den är utformad för att Sverige ska kunna fullfölja de logistiskakraven/direktiven. Vidare skall uppsatsen undersöka om någon form av anpassning avutbildningens utformning och/eller omfattning är nödvändig. Undersökningen bygger påen induktiv argumentationsteknik, där en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod har används.NATO:s logistikdoktrin (AJP-04) har använts som teorianknytning.Slutsatserna i uppsatsen visar att viss del av logistikutbildningen bör anpassas, främst föratt klara de legala och kommersiella aspekterna av internationell logistik.
Abstract [en]
Swedish national security policy has shifted focus to the international arena.Swedish Armed Forces’ units have been in Bosnia and Kosovo for several years,and have also recently deployed to Afghanistan. Sweden’s active participation inthe PfP and EU Rapid Reaction Force processes also places new demands on theSwedish Armed Forces. The fact that Sweden has increased her number ofcommitments so dramatically will, amongst other factors, mean that the currentsystem of logistics will need to be reviewed. The agreed PfP objectives are to beimplemented by 2006. At the same time there is pressure to review officertraining in order to meet the increased demands of posting more officers forservice abroad. Logistics are and will remain a key function for the SwedishArmed Forces if they are to fulfil their commitments. One of the crucialquestions that must be answered is whether Sweden will be able to provideadequate logistic support for her international commitment. The question as towhether the training of logistics officers is right, that is to say, if it designed toensure that Sweden will be able to fulfil the logistic requirements or whether thescope or content of the training needs to changed, has been considered from twoangles. Firstly, the logistic directives, the agreed PfP logistic objectives and theformal training and manning requirements necessary for Sweden to fulfill herinternational commitments have been collected together and analyzed. Secondly,training has been examined, not only the formal training conducted by theArmed Forces but also the training that logistics officers have received beforeinternational deployment and the experience gained on operations. Bycomparing these two aspects it has been possible to identify the discrepancies,e.g. if officer training is adequate or if changes need to be made.In this paper an inductive approach to the question has been adopted. Themethod used has been to compare the replies received in interview firstly on theformal requirement/directives and secondly on the formal training provided bythe National Defense College (NDC). The results of these comparisons havebeen analyzed parallel with theory, in order to establish whether training needsto be changed. Theory has been based on AJP-04 (Allied Joint LogisticDoctrine), NATO’s main logistics doctrine document. The main principles inAJP-04 are: superior planning, co-operation and co-ordination, flexibility andsimplicity, and economy and synergy. Theory has been compared with theresults of interviews with officers who have held logistics appointments oninternational service.It can be concluded from the final analysis that, within Profiling and Logisticsand Man/ Log education at NDC, the discrepancies identified in this paper havebeen taken into consideration, but that changes are still needed. Changes areconsidered necessary to the teaching of the commercial and legal aspects ofinternational logistics. In addition more detailed training in NATO logistics isrequired within the Man/Log and main Staff course programmes.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2003. , p. 56
Keywords [sv]
Militära operationer, Logistik, Militär utbildning, Uppsatser, Chefsprogrammet, Chefsprogrammet 2001-2003, Internationella aspekter
National Category
Social Sciences
URN: urn:nbn:se:fhs:diva-1790OAI:, id: diva2:428700
Educational program
Chefsprogrammet. (ChP)
Social and Behavioural Science, Law
Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.
Hylla: Upps. ChP 01-03
2011-07-052011-07-012011-07-05Bibliographically approved