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Effektsbaserte operasjoner under Operation Iraqi Freedom: utvikling av militærteorin ; element i ny doktrine?
Swedish National Defence College.
2005 (Norwegian)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
Abstract [no]

Begrepet effektsbaserte operasjoner blir referert i stadig større grad i artikler og publikasjoner,som et mulig operasjonskonsept for framtiden. Innholdet i begrepet er imidlertid ikke nytt iforhold til målsetningen med anvendelsen av militær makt. Bruk av det militære maktmiddel haralltid hatt som målsetning å oppnå en effekt der motstanderens vilje påvirkes. USA har de siste 15år vært involvert i flere større fellesoperasjoner i rammen av koalisjon eller allianse. Utviklingeninnen militærteorien og doktrine fra Desert Storm i 1991 og frem til Iraqi Freedom i 2003 har avenkelte blitt betegnet som at man har beveget seg fra en metodisk tilnærming, til en integrert brukav maktmidler der effektene av de enkelte virkemiddel har vært det sentrale, i stedet for fokuset påå ødelegge motstanderens militære kapasiteter.Hensikten med denne oppgaven er å redegjøre for begrepet Effects Based Operations og kommefram til hva som danner kjernen i dette operasjonskonseptet. Videre å belyse hvorvidt teorien bleanvendt i praksis under Operation Iraqi Freedom. Dette skal gi et grunnlag for å peke pårelevansen av, og mulige konsekvenser for det norske forsvaret ved å innføre et effektsbasertoperasjonskonsept på det fellesoperative nivå.Oppgaven besvares gjennom å svare på tre spørsmålsstillinger:Hvordan beskrives begrepet EBO? Ble EBO benyttet i planleggingen og gjennomføringen avOperation Iraqi Freedom? Hvilken relevans og konsekvenser kan EBO, med dagens teoretiske ogpraktiske tillempning, kunne ha for det norske forsvar?

Abstract [en]

The term Effects-Based Operations is increasingly referred to in articles and publicationsas a possible operational concept for the future. However, the essence of the term is notnew in the history of the use of military power. The use of the military instrument hasalways had the aim of creating an effect on an adversary in order to influence hisbehaviour.During the last 15 years the USA has been involved in several large joint operations withinthe framework of a coalition or an alliance. The evolution in military theory and doctrinefrom Operation Desert Storm in 1991 to Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003 has been viewedas a shift from a methodical approach to an integrated use of all means of power.Consideration of the effects of each means has become essential, rather than a focus on thedestruction of an adversary’s military capabilities.The aim of this study is to describe the term Effects-Based Operations and the elementswhich constitute the essence of the concept and, furthermore, to investigate whether thetheory was used in practice during Operation Iraqi Freedom. The findings should give anindication of the relevance and possible consequences for the Norwegian Armed Forces ofimplementing an Effects-Based concept at the joint level.To accomplish this aim, the study will answer the following questions:- How is the term Effects-Based Operations described?- Were Effects-Based Operations used in the planning for, and execution ofOperation Iraqi Freedom?- What are the relevance and possible consequences for the Norwegian ArmedForces of implementing Effects-Based Operations, in its current theoretical andpractical status?This study indicates that there is still differences in the understanding of Effects-basedOperations, but the following elements seem to be essential: a clear link between strategyand tasks, and an attack on the adversary’s will where the adversary is seen as a ComplexAdaptive System. In addition, all available means including civilian means of powershould be brought into the campaign. Bearing these characteristics in mind, Operation IraqiFreedom cannot be seen as an Effects-Based Operation; however, elements can be seenboth in the planning and execution of the operation. The study concludes that Effects-Based Operations are relevant to the Norwegian Armed Forces because of the focus on thecomplex nature of today’s battlefield. The consequences of implementing the concept,however, indicate a need to decide how the political and strategic level is willing to letcivilian agencies cooperate with the military. In addition, one has to gain knowledge, notonly of the theoretical and practical implications of effects, but also of how to approach theconcept. Effects- Based Operations or an Effects-Based Approach?

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2005. , p. 61
Keywords [en]
Effektbaserade operationer, Effects-based operations
Keywords [sv]
Försvarsdoktriner, Irakkriget 2003, Chefsprogrammet, Chefsprogrammet 2003-2005
National Category
Social Sciences
URN: urn:nbn:se:fhs:diva-1554OAI: oai:DiVA.org:fhs-1554DiVA, id: diva2:427454
Educational program
Chefsprogrammet. (ChP)
Social and Behavioural Science, Law
Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps. Hylla: Upps. ChP 03-05Available from: 2011-06-29 Created: 2011-06-28 Last updated: 2011-06-29Bibliographically approved

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