Tactical, organizational and economic objective (TOEM) is a central Swedish Armed Forces (Swe AF) document. TOEM describes a unit’s organization, equipment, vehicles and capabilities. Furthermore, it places the unit in a larger perspective and it is fare to say that it represents the grand strategy expressed in physical organizations, from theory to practice. Units are trained, evaluated/validated by and used in operations guided by this document.
TOEM is a prerequisite for transforming and implementing the assigners` (politicians`) will into action. TOEM is a tool for the Armed Forces while transforming its units from an invasion defence to a flexible and ready-to-deploy force. Therefore this study relates to implementation theory.
The purpose of this study is to identify documents that provide guidance and directions for creating TOEM and to investigate how TOEM is implemented and if this works in practise.
The results of the investigations will be presented at the conclusion of this essay, suggesting possible improvement and actions.
This study has shown that TOEM is implemented successfully; however, the study has also shown that the process in creating TOEM can be improved.
The Inspector General of the Army and Army company commanders have been key sources for this study.