The Finnish and Swedish accessionsto NATO enable the Alliance to play amore active role in the Baltic region.The underpinnings for a comprehensiveNATO general deterrence posture in theHigh North with Sweden and Finland is,to a large degree, already in place. Russian behavior is increasingly relyingon its nuclear weapons to further itssecurity political aims in order toestablish a new security order in Europe:from its leadership’s rhetoric to its selfsuspensionfrom New START and possiblebasing of nuclear weapons in Belarus. For an integrated and tailored deterrencein the High North, Sweden and Finlandmust come to terms with the challengeof immediate deterrence with a nucleardimension. A strategy that includes participationin the Nuclear Planning Group (NPG),flying conventional support for nuclearoperations (CSNO), and, for Sweden,enabling dispersed basing would createthe space needed for NATO to act in timesof crisis. A more engaged approach wouldalso add dual capable aircraft (DCA)and nuclear sharing arrangements (NSA)for Sweden and possibly for Finland,given that the latter makes the requiredadjustments to its current legislation.