This study applies Thunholm and Henåker’s Ideal Model sequence to the counterattack carried out by the German 11th Panzer Division at Tschir from December 7th to 9th, 1942. The Ideal Model stems from cumulative research conducted withing the German school of maneuver warfare and of-fers a theoretical framework of a seven-step sequence on how to achieve success in tactical combat. The aim of the study is to investigate the pres-ence and interplay of the steps outlined in the Ideal Model during actual combat accounting for the dynamic elements of danger, stress and friction that differentiate real-life combat from theoretical concepts. The results shows that all steps are present to a varying degree although with a slightly different sequence. The study finds the step “Maneuver and out-pacing the opponent by focus on timing and by a short decision-action loop” to be of central importance in the successful counterattack.