What is effective and efficient command and control (C2)? One way of answering this question is to measure the quality of products generated within the C2-process. The main product from the C2-system, in purpose of directing and coordinating the execution system, is undoubtedly the order. One might think that the quality of orders directly correlates to effects generated in the operational environment. However, because of the unforeseeable and unavoidable events in the operational environment, such a causal relation is not necessary true. This paper presents a concept method for experimentally testing relations between order quality and outcomes, by using a simulated microworld in which such events are controlled.
One particular aspect of order quality is the representation of the actual tasks and goals. This work propose an approach that connects to earlier work on operational pictures as a requisite for situation awareness in general and mission understanding in particular. Further, this paper suggests that orders could be adapted to the situation at hand by complementing the textual order with visualizations of military tasks and goals. This line of investigation owns its specific timeliness to the escalating focus on, and need for, mission command in multi-domain C2 in a context of both military and civil defence.