The principles of war are surrounded by a fragmented debate concerning their practical applicability. Previous studies question the assertion regarding a correlation between successful battles and the application of the principles. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to contribute to the knowledge base about the extent to which applying the principles of war can explain successful outcomes in battles. Drawing on the theory of J.F.C Fuller, the study analyzes the occurrence of the principles in the battle of Raate Road and the battle of Tolvajärvi, fought in the Winter War in Finland, in 1939 and 1940.
The research design has applied text analysis, in a qualitative approach. Findings indicate that all the principles of war are found in both cases examined but differ as to the extent of the application. Based on the findings of the study, the principles of war appear to play a central role in both battles with a successful outcome, and provide a partial explanation for success. Further empirical studies are needed in order to confirm the full extent of the principles’ significance.