The rapidly growing implementation of unmanned aerial systems in military applicationsafter 9/11 has led to a rising debate on the ethical implications that comes with new andeffective weapons systems. The contrast from other weapons system and possibilities offuture paths of development in relation to the new tactical uses implemented has led to anuncertainty of the ethical aspects of the system.
This thesis examines the scientific debate regarding the ethical aspects of unmanned aerialsystems in military contexts to see if they are reliable from a utilitarian and deontologicalview of just war theory – jus in bello.
The results of this paper show that there isn’t just one correct answer to be given. But thatin the way the author has approached the problem the conclusion can be drawn that themain arguments in the debate have a connection towards just war theory. However, theargumentation in itself relies on different sets of premises which can be understood fromthe fact that the approach to normative theories can be from different directions.