The transition from a conscript-based force to an all-volunteer force in Sweden 2010 implied changes for selection and training as well as for the procedure for attrition from the basic military training. Today a recruit can leave basic military training within 24 hours and without further explanations. As a consequence, the changed procedure when a recruit leaves training has caused a lack of information of reasons for attrition and lack of feedback to the Swedish Defence Recruitment Agency who is responsible for the assessments and selection of recruits. The first step to re-establish a systematic follow-up of the psychological selection and to validate the selection procedure has started. The aim of this project is to gain knowledge of reasons for attrition from basic military training in order to predict attrition and to predict successful 76 recruitment (defined as signing a contract with the Swedish Armed Forces). Results from 2015 (478 questionnaires and 36 interviews) indicate that it is not only the selection that contributes to successful recruitment, but also the training period and the leadership of the officers. Further, the results have facilitated the development of questionnaires, interview guides, instructions and methods for future studies. The project is a collaboration between the Swedish Armed Forces including the Internal Occupational Health Care Center and Human Resources, the Swedish Defence Recruitment Agency and the Swedish Defence University.