Vad syftar militärstrategisk doktrin 2016 egentligen till?: En kvalitativ innehållsanalys
2017 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesis
Abstract [en]
The modern doctrines of today are becoming more and more ambiguous about what their true message really is. Modern authors try to balance between writing doctrines who forces its readers to follow the doctrine as slaves, or writing it in such a way that it is completely impossible to comprehend by the soldiers and officers to which it was meant to help in the first place. On top of this modern doctrine seem to aim towards addressing far more audiences than the traditional foot soldier.
The introduction of the latest Swedish strategic doctrine clearly states that the doctrine aims to serve more than one purpose, which is fine. However, the doctrine fails to mention what its main purpose is. The aim of this thesis is to examine which of the aforementioned purposes is the doctrines main purpose.
Research findings indicate that the doctrine is using authoritative and theoretic elements over cultural ones throughout its content. Because of this reason this thesis finds the doctrines main purpose to be used as a tool of command.
The main conclusion of the thesis is that the doctrine does not join its brethren in being as abstract and unclear as some of the military theorists claim modern doctrine to be. However, additional research needs to be conducted to further validate the results.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2017. , p. 42
Keywords [sv]
Doktrin, doktrinutveckling, Militärstrategisk doktrin 2016, Høiback
National Category
Other Social Sciences
URN: urn:nbn:se:fhs:diva-6822OAI:, id: diva2:1121343
Subject / course
War Studies, Thesis
Educational program
Officersprogrammet (OP)
2017-07-172017-07-102017-07-17Bibliographically approved