This presentation examines the recruitment base to the Swedish all-volunteer force; the applicants for basic military training. So far the recruitment to the all-volunteer force has been satisfactory in respect of qualitative terms; both regarding psychological and physiological capabilities. The capabilities of those selected for basic military training have been as good as or better in comparison to previous years with conscription. Despite good quality among the recruitment base there have been vacancies, and the future need of personnel will increase. To increase the recruitment base and the diversity among the personnel, the Swedish Armed Forces are working to promote and increase the proportion of women and employees with different ethnic background. Although the all-volunteer force provides a more heterogenic recruitment base in some aspects than the conscript based force, the all-volunteer force in Sweden mainly attracts young men that are born in Sweden. The proportion of women has significantly increased from conscription. However there are no well-known changes in the amount of persons born abroad. Studies have revealed that the proportion of applicants for the basic military training born in another country than Sweden decline in each step of the selection process. This presentation will focus on the recruitment of women and persons born abroad in the selection process to the Swedish Armed Forces.