Kraftsamling: En teoriprövande fallstudie
2017 (svensk)Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 poäng / 15 hp
Abstract [en]
The concentration of force is one of the principles of war that often is mentioned as vital in warfare. Despite the frequent discussion of its usefulness, discrepancies can be found in the description of the principle’s contents. These include whether the concentration of force is a valid principle or not, as well as discussions on which variables that affect the principle. The general view of the principle is that its aim differs depending on the situation, and no exact descriptions are given. However, Bernard Brodie gives an alternative view. He suggests that there are differences in concentration between the arenas army and navy, and he specifies that those differences can be found in in three variables. These variables are: the aim of the concentration, the use of units in the concentration, and the effects of the chosen terrain.
In this essay, Brodie’s theory of concentration is examined. The differences and similarities in the concentration of force in the navy and the army are analysed and compared to Brodie’s suggestions. The aim of the essay is thus to test the theory and its accuracy.
The results of the essay indicate that differences between the arenas can indeed be found in all three variables. Though, these do not confirm with the all the indicators that Brodie suggested. The conclusion is therefore that the general descriptions of the differences between the arenas are correct, but that Brodie’s theory despite this is falsified.
sted, utgiver, år, opplag, sider
2017. , s. 34
Emneord [en]
Bernard Brodie, principles of war, concentration of force/effects, mass, mass of force/effects, Tannenberg 1914, Jutland 1916
HSV kategori
URN: urn:nbn:se:fhs:diva-6869OAI:, id: diva2:1128761
Fag / kurs
War Studies, Thesis
Officersprogrammet (OP)
2017-07-312017-07-282017-07-31bibliografisk kontrollert