This article analyzes the “inner logic” of the fatwa issued by Usamah Bin‐Laden and a coalition of four other Islamic movements on 22 February 1998. Having first discussed the significance of the “Bin‐Laden phenomenon “ on terrorism in general, an analysis is made of the underlying reasons and broader context of Bin‐Laden's worldview and the fatwa’s appeal to his followers for violent action. It is argued that thisfatwa, when combined with the content of Bin‐Laden's “Declaration of War” in 1996, is neither revolutionary nor unique to broader Muslim concerns but rather is part and parcel of a broader contest over sacred authority in Saudi Arabia and over continued U.S. military presence on the Arabian peninsula. These issues are explored, coupled with the way in which the fatwa illuminates crucial factors behind the behavior of Bin‐Laden and other Islamic revolutionaries.