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Persson, Björn
Publications (10 of 14) Show all publications
Persson, B. (2018). Artillery Simulation as a Pedagogical Tool in Military Education. In: Naweed, Anjum; Wardaszko, Marcin; Leigh, Elyssebeth; Meijer, Sebastiaan (Ed.), Intersections in Simulation and Gaming: 21st Annual Simulation Technology and Training Conference, SimTecT 2016, and 47th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, ISAGA 2016, Held as Part of the First Australasian Simulation Congress, ASC 2016, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, September 26-29, 2016, Revised Selected Papers. Paper presented at 21st Annual Simulation Technology and Training Conference, SimTecT 2016, and 47th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, ISAGA 2016, Held as Part of the First Australasian Simulation Congress, ASC 2016, September 26-29, 2016, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (pp. 58-70). Springer
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Artillery Simulation as a Pedagogical Tool in Military Education
2018 (English)In: Intersections in Simulation and Gaming: 21st Annual Simulation Technology and Training Conference, SimTecT 2016, and 47th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, ISAGA 2016, Held as Part of the First Australasian Simulation Congress, ASC 2016, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, September 26-29, 2016, Revised Selected Papers / [ed] Naweed, Anjum; Wardaszko, Marcin; Leigh, Elyssebeth; Meijer, Sebastiaan, Springer, 2018, p. 58-70Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

This study investigates the possibility of using computer-based simulators and war games as a part of the ballistics and artillery courses offered to officers and cadets at the Swedish Defence University. The idea is to enhance the learning process by allowing the students to experiment with physically justified exterior-ballistics models and demonstrate how artillery can be used in combat to achieve military objectives. The pedagogical effect of two types of exercises is investigated: one focusing on the physics of exterior ballistics and the other being a war game where artillery warfare can be exercised. The students are shown how different forces and moments affect the trajectory of a shell in-flight and what possibilities and limitations different artillery systems offer. In the war game, the students get to practice command and control in a tactical scenario against an intelligent opponent, an opponent in the form of another student. The main result of the study consists of a self-report survey and lessons learned by the author. The survey revealed that both the officers and the cadets thought that this type of interactive learning was a good compliment to more traditional education and that they perceived that their understanding of exterior ballistics and artillery tactics was enhanced by working in the simulator. This initial successful outcome gives reason to further explore how other learning objectives can be achieved by expanding the scenarios and focusing on other factors, such as logistics or deployment of artillery locating radar. Furthermore, the war game was limited to a fix situation, scenarios with multiple objectives several ways of completing those objectives should be considered to better reflect the complex environment encountered in ground warfare.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Springer, 2018
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ISSN 0302-9743, E-ISSN 1611-3349 ; 10711
military education, modelling and simulation, serious games
National Category
Other Social Sciences
Research subject
Systems science for defence and security
urn:nbn:se:fhs:diva-9125 (URN)10.1007/978-3-319-78795-4_5 (DOI)2-s2.0-85045448903 (Scopus ID)9783319787947 (ISBN)9783319787954 (ISBN)
21st Annual Simulation Technology and Training Conference, SimTecT 2016, and 47th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, ISAGA 2016, Held as Part of the First Australasian Simulation Congress, ASC 2016, September 26-29, 2016, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Available from: 2020-04-16 Created: 2020-04-16 Last updated: 2020-04-16Bibliographically approved
Persson, B. (2017). Radar Target Modeling Using In-Flight RCS Measurements. Journal of Aircraft, 54(1), 284-291
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Radar Target Modeling Using In-Flight RCS Measurements
2017 (English)In: Journal of Aircraft, ISSN 0021-8669, E-ISSN 1533-3868, Vol. 54, no 1, p. 284-291Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

A flight experiment with the Saab 105 aircraft and the radar cross-section measurement system Arken has been performed at C and Ku bands. Two types of trajectories were flown and the flight state was recorded using inertial and satellite navigation equipment.  The data was used to recreate the flight in a simulator where aspect angles and range to the measurement system could be calculated. The measured radar cross-section as a function of time is presented and compared to various statistical fluctuation models, including the distributions used in Swerling cases. Findings show that the Generalized Pareto distribution fits the measured data best and that Swerling Case 2 is also a good candidate for describing the dynamics of the radar cross-section at Ku-band when the aircraft approaches the radar head on. The measured radar cross-section data was analyzed using the Fast Fourier Transform from which fluctuation rates for different carrier frequencies and trajectories could be estimated.

National Category
Aerospace Engineering
Research subject
Military Technology
urn:nbn:se:fhs:diva-6100 (URN)10.2514/1.C033932 (DOI)
Available from: 2016-04-13 Created: 2016-04-20 Last updated: 2019-08-26Bibliographically approved
Persson, B. (2016). Assessment of Aircraft Radar Cross-Section for Detection Analysis. (Doctoral dissertation). Stockholm: KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Assessment of Aircraft Radar Cross-Section for Detection Analysis
2016 (English)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

Hiding from and surprising an opponent are tactics that have been used in warfare throughout history. They were features that aircraft originally possessed when they were first used in military operations. However, development of military technology is an endless struggle between advances in technology and counter technology. During World War II this struggle led to the development of a new technology called radar, which was designed to detect sea vessels and aircraft at a distance and deny them the element of surprise. This laid the foundation for modern air defenses and simultaneously created a need for aircraft to penetrate such defenses. Central to the tactics and technological development that followed from the deployment of radar on the modern battlefield is the radar cross-section (RCS) of aircraft, which dictates the range at which aircraft can be detected by radar. In this thesis some aspects of the RCS of aircraft in radar detection are investigated. A combination of experimental measurement of aircraft and digital model development of the RCS of aircraft has been used.

From flight experiments, the uncertainty in aspect angle to a threat sensor, due to aircraft dynamics, is quantified for various aircraft. In addition, the RCS fluctuation behavior of a military jet trainer is investigated by dynamic in-flight measurement. The monostatic and bistatic RCS of an F-117 are modeled and findings show that spline interpolation provides superior accuracy when interpolating the RCS data. Smooth and conservative RCS models are suggested and a new RCS sampling scheme is presented. A model based on experimental data is suggested for determining the range of aspect angles that an aircraft is likely to orient towards a threat sensor, and experimental RCS data is compared to the classical Swerling radar target models.

Possible consequences for military operations and the design of military systems are discussed and considerations for modeling the interaction between air defenses and aircraft penetrating those defenses are given.  

This thesis should be of interest to military actors and the defense industry, since the analyses of the ability to detect aircraft using radar are important for military operations and their planning.


Abstract [sv]

Att kunna gömma sig för att sedan överaska sin motståndare är en taktik som har använts inom krigsföring genom historien, detta var också en möjlighet flygplan erbjöd när de började användas i militära samanhang. Utveckling av teknik för militära ändamål är emellertid en ständigt pågående kamp mellan framsteg inom det befintliga teknikfältet och utveckling för att kunna motverka sådan teknik. Under andra världskriget ledde denna kamp till utvecklingen av radar, en teknik som används för att upptäcka och följa fartyg och flygplan på stora avstånd, vilket kraftigt försvårade möjlighet att överaska motståndaren med hjälp av flygplan. Utvecklingen av radar är en hörnsten inom moderna luftvärnssystem, vilket också har skapat ett behov för luftstridskrafter att kunna motverka och penetrera sådana skydd. Centralt för den teknik och taktikutveckling som skede till följd av att radar introducerades på det moderna slagfältet är flygplans radarmålarea, som är avgörande för på vilket avstånd det är möjligt att upptäcka flygplanet. I den här avhandlingen undersöks aspekter kring hur flygplans radarmålarea påverkar detektionsmöjligheterna för en hotradar. Avhandlingen består av både mätningar på faktiska flygplan samt forskning kring digitala modeller av radarmålarea.

Flygförsöken gav kvantitativa exempel på hur stor osäkerhet i aspekt vinkel ett givet flygplan kan förväntas ha emot en hot sensor på grund av flygdynamik. Utöver detta så utfördes även en dynamisk mätning av radarmålarea på ett jetdrivet skolflygplan, för att undersöka fluktuationerna i radarmålarea. Både monostatisk och bistatisk radarmålarea har beräknats för en F-117 modell och resultaten tyder på att spline-interpolation ger den bästa noggrannheten vid interpolation. Vidare föreslås hur jämna och konservativa modeller av radarmålarea kan uppnås samt att en ny samplingsstrategi för radarmålarea presenteras. En modell som bygger på experimentell data föreslås för att uppskatta hur stor ändring av aspektvinkel ett givet flygplan kan förväntas ge emot en hotsensor, samt att mätdata av radarmålarea jämförs med de klassiska Swerling modellerna.

Den påverkan resultaten förväntas ha på militära operationer och system diskuteras och några överväganden som bör beaktas vid modellering av interaktionen mellan flygplan och radar ges.

Denna avhandling torde vara av intresse för såväl militära aktörer som försvarsindustri, eftersom analysen och möjligheten att upptäcka flygplan med radar är en viktig del av luftstrid och tillhörande planering.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Stockholm: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2016. p. 21
National Category
Aerospace Engineering
Research subject
Military Technology
urn:nbn:se:fhs:diva-6083 (URN)978-91-7595-936-8 (ISBN)
Public defence
2016-05-13, Sverigesalen, Drottning Kristinas Väg 37, Stockholm, 15:28 (English)
Vinnova, 2010-01259
Available from: 2016-04-22 Created: 2016-04-13 Last updated: 2019-08-26Bibliographically approved
Persson, B. & Bull, P. (2016). Empirical Study of Flight-Dynamic Influences on Radar Cross-Section Models. Journal of Aircraft, 53(2), 463-474
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Empirical Study of Flight-Dynamic Influences on Radar Cross-Section Models
2016 (English)In: Journal of Aircraft, ISSN 0021-8669, E-ISSN 1533-3868, Vol. 53, no 2, p. 463-474Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

In this work, measurements and a method for analyzing flight-dynamic effects on radar cross-section models for aircraft are presented. Flight-dynamic effects need to be considered when designing combat aircraft and creating target models for radar simulators. The work is based on flight data from three different types of aircraft: Piper PA-28 Archer II, Boeing 737, and Saab JAS 39 Gripen. Using inertial navigation and global-positioning systems, the motions of the three aircraft are recorded in flight. From the data, aspect angles toward a radar station located in the extension of the intended flight path are generated using a simulator. It is found that the major contribution to perturbations in aspect angles is due to the rotational degrees of freedom and that bivariate normal distributions are a good candidate for approximating the uncertainty in aspect angles for all three aircraft types. It is also found that each rotational degree of freedom is close to a normal distribution but that the parameter values of the distribution vary with altitude and aircraft type.

National Category
Aerospace Engineering
Research subject
Military Technology
urn:nbn:se:fhs:diva-6082 (URN)10.2514/1.C033566 (DOI)000373945100016 ()
Available from: 2016-04-13 Created: 2016-04-13 Last updated: 2019-08-26Bibliographically approved
Persson, B. & Norsell, M. (2016). Reduction of RCS Samples Using the Cubed Sphere Sampling Scheme. Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, 48, 103-112
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Reduction of RCS Samples Using the Cubed Sphere Sampling Scheme
2016 (English)In: Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, ISSN 1937-8726, Vol. 48, p. 103-112Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

An alternative to the traditional method of sampling radar cross section data from measurements or electromagnetic code is presented and evaluated. The Cubed Sphere sampling scheme solves the problem of oversampling at high and low elevation angles and at equal equatorial resolution the scheme can reduce the number of samples required by approximately 25%. The analysis is made of an aircraft model with a monostatic radar cross section at C-band and a bistatic radar cross section at VHF-band, using Physical Optics and the Multilevel Fast Multipole Method, respectively. It was found that for the monostatic radar cross section, the Cubed Sphere sampling scheme required approximately 12% fewer samples compared to that required for traditional sampling while maintaining the same interpolation accuracy ever the entire domain. For the bistatic data, it was possible to reduce the number of samples by approximately 45% for high sampling resolutions. Using spline interpolation the number of samples required could be reduced even further. 

National Category
Other Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Information Engineering
Research subject
Systems science for defence and security
urn:nbn:se:fhs:diva-6099 (URN)10.2528/PIERM16022503 (DOI)
Vinnova, 2010-01259
Available from: 2016-04-13 Created: 2016-04-20 Last updated: 2022-05-11Bibliographically approved
Silfverskiöld, S., Liwång, H., Hult, G., Bull, P., Persson, B., Thunqvist, O., . . . Sturesson, P. (2016). Technology Forecast 2016: The Military Utility of Future Technologies: a Report from seminars at the Swedish Defence University’s Military-Technology Division. Stockholm: Försvarshögskolan (FHS)
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Technology Forecast 2016: The Military Utility of Future Technologies: a Report from seminars at the Swedish Defence University’s Military-Technology Division
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2016 (English)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

Three technology forecast reports from the Fraunhofer Institute and four reports on literature studies (sometimes called scanning reports) from the Swedish Defence Research Institute (FOI) have been reviewed by staff at the Military-Technology Division at the Swedish Defence University (SEDU). The task given by the Defence Material Administration FMV was to assess the military utility of the given technologies in a time frame to 2040, from a Swedish Armed Forces (SwAF) point of view.

In the review we assess the military utility of a certain technology as a possible contribution to the operational capabilities of the SwAF, based on identified relevant scenarios. Since a new capability catalogue is under development at the SwAF Headquarters, this report will only present general assessments of the capability impact from the technologies under study.

The technologies were grouped into four classes: potentially significant, moderate, negligible, or uncertain military utility.

The following technology was assessed to have a potential for significant military utility;

 Multi robot systems

The following technologies were assessed to have a potential for moderate military utility;

 Over-the-Horizon Radar

 Space-based imaging radar

The following technology was found to have negligible military utility.

 Moving Target Defence

The following technologies were assessed to have uncertain military utility;

 Software-Defined Networking

 Transient Materials- Programmed to Perish, but this technology should be monitored since it might reach high technical readiness level (TRL) by 2050-60

The method used in this technology forecast report was to assign each report to one reviewer in the working group. First, a summary of each forecast report was made. The Fraunhofer assessment of TRL in the time period to 2035 was held to be correct. The technology was then put into one or more scenarios that were deemed to be suitable in order to assess the military utility as well as indicate possibilities and drawbacks of each technology. Based on a SWOT-analysis, the assessed contribution to the fundamental capabilities and to the factors DOTMPLFI (Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Personnel, Leadership, Facilities and Interoperability) were listed. Furthermore, the expected requirements on the SwAF R&D in order to facilitate the introduction of the technology are given.

As a consequence of our continuing development of the evaluation process, we have for the first time used a model developed at the division of Military-Technology to assess the Military utility1 of the technologies. Finally, conclusions and an overall rating regarding the potential military utility of each technology were presented.

The chosen definition of military utility clearly affects the result of the study. The definition (the military utility of a certain technology is its contribution to the operational capabilities of the SwAF, within identified relevant scenarios) is the same as used in our Technology Forecasts since 2013.

Our evaluation of the method used shows that there is a risk that the assessment is biased by the participating experts’ presumptions and experiences from their own field of research. Also, it should be stressed that the six technologies’ potential military utility was assessed within the specific presented scenarios, and their possible contribution to operational capabilities within those scenarios, not in general. When additional results have been found in the analysis this is mentioned. The last chapter of this report analyzes thinking and debate on war and warfare in three military great powers: USA, Russia and China. Therefore, this chapter has a different structure. Aspects of military technology are discussed at the end of the chapter, but no assessment of the military utility is made.

The greatest value of the method used is its simplicity, cost effectiveness and that it promotes learning within the working group. The composition of the working group and the methodology used is believed to provide a broad and balanced coverage of the technologies under study. This report is to been seen as an executive summary of the Fraunhofer reports and the reports on literature studies from FOI. The intention is to help the SwAF Headquarters to evaluate the military utility of emerging technologies within identified relevant scenarios.

Overall, the quality of the Fraunhofer reports is considered to be balanced and of a high level of critical analysis regarding technology development. These reports are in line with our task to evaluate the military utility of the emerging technologies. The FOI reports are considered to be high quality. However, the selection of topics can be discussed since the selection

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Stockholm: Försvarshögskolan (FHS), 2016. p. 40
militär nytta, teknisk prognos, omvärldsanalys
National Category
Other Engineering and Technologies
Research subject
Military Technology
urn:nbn:se:fhs:diva-6298 (URN)

Innehåller kapitel på svenska

Available from: 2016-08-30 Created: 2016-08-30 Last updated: 2025-02-10Bibliographically approved
Persson, B. & Norsell, M. (2015). Conservative RCS Models for Tactical Simulation. IEEE Antennas & Propagation Magazine, 57(1), 217-223
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Conservative RCS Models for Tactical Simulation
2015 (English)In: IEEE Antennas & Propagation Magazine, ISSN 1045-9243, E-ISSN 1558-4143, Vol. 57, no 1, p. 217-223Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

This paper describes a procedure for generating conservative radar cross section (RCS) models able to meet the computational requirements imposed by simulation and related applications. The key concept is to downsample calculated or measured RCS data retaining local extreme values; thus, a conservative RCS matrix is obtained. Spline approximations are used in order to obtain continuity in the RCS models. RCS models with varying resolution have been generated and analyzed, and it is shown how spatial Fourier transforms can be used when determining feasibility for certain decision making applications. Furthermore, it is found that the interpolation errors obtained from the conservative RCS models are well described by generalized extreme value theory.

Electromagnetic modeling, Fourier transforms, military equipment, modeling and simulation, physical optics, radar cross section (RCS), statistical distributions
National Category
Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Information Engineering
Research subject
Military Technology
urn:nbn:se:fhs:diva-5595 (URN)10.1109/MAP.2015.2397151 (DOI)000352237400020 ()
Available from: 2015-10-30 Created: 2015-10-30 Last updated: 2019-08-26Bibliographically approved
Andersson, K., Bang, M., Marcus, C., Persson, B., Sturesson, P., Jensen, E. & Hult, G. (2015). Military utility: A proposed concept to support decision-making. Technology in society, 43, 23-32
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Military utility: A proposed concept to support decision-making
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2015 (English)In: Technology in society, ISSN 0160-791X, E-ISSN 1879-3274, Vol. 43, p. 23-32Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

A concept called Military Utility is proposed for the study of the use of technology in military operations. The proposed concept includes a three-level structure representing key features and their detailed components. On basic level the Military Utility of a technical system, to a military actor, in a specific context, is a compound measure of the military effectiveness, of the assessed technical system's suitability to the military capability system and of the affordability. The concept is derived through conceptual analysis and is based on related concepts used in social sciences, the military domain and Systems Engineering. It is argued that the concept has qualitative explanatory powers and can support military decision-making regarding technology in forecasts, defense planning, development, utilization and the lessons learned process. The suggested concept is expected to contribute to the development of the science of Military-Technology and to be found useful to actors related to defense.

Technology, utility, decision-making
National Category
Mechanical Engineering
Research subject
Military Technology
urn:nbn:se:fhs:diva-5548 (URN)10.1016/j.techsoc.2015.07.001 (DOI)000215364900003 ()
Available from: 2015-08-03 Created: 2015-08-03 Last updated: 2019-11-07Bibliographically approved
Silvferskiöld, S., Bull, P., Hult, G., Hagenbo, M., Andersson, K., Persson, B., . . . Bang, M. (2015). Technology Forecast 2015, Military Utility of Five Technologies: a report from seminars at the Department of Military-Technology at the Swedish Defence University. Stockholm: Försvarshögskolan (FHS)
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Technology Forecast 2015, Military Utility of Five Technologies: a report from seminars at the Department of Military-Technology at the Swedish Defence University
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2015 (English)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

Five technology forecast reports from the Fraunhofer Institute have been reviewed by staff at the Department of Military-Technology at the Swedish Defence University. The task given by the Swedish Defence Material Administration (FMV) was to assess the military utility of the given technologies in a time frame to 2040 from a Swedish Armed Forces’ (SwAF) perspective.

We assess the military utility of a certain technology based on its contribution to the operational capabilities of the SwAF, according to identified relevant scenarios. It should be noted that the military utility of the technology in this report is assessed solely in the presented scenario, not for the technology in any other scenarios. Since a new capability catalogue is under development at the SwAF Headquarters, we will only present general assessments of the capability impact from the technologies under study.

After the seminars, the technologies were grouped into three classes; technologies with potentially significant, uncertain or negligible military utility. The classification uncertain is given for technologies that are difficult to put into the two other classes, and not because a high technology readiness level (TRL) will not be reached by 2040.

The following technologies were assessed to have a potential for significant military utility;

3D Printers

Our overall assessment is that 3D printing has significant potential for military utility, possibly disruptive. Logistic concepts for both national and expeditionary missions will be affected in the 2040 time frame. The technology development will be driven by civilian industry, but a SwAF in-depth study is recommended as it could help form potential logistic concepts and determine what methods and systems are suitable for military adoption and what kind of application-specific issues have to be addressed in order to take full advantage of the new technology.

Deep Learning

The military utility for deep learning is assessed to be significant, primarily regarding SIGINT and IMINT, which is where the greatest utility can be seen. The driving force as regards research in the field is the private sector. We therefore recommend that the SwAF follow the research conducted and focus studies on how and where deep learning can be implemented within the organization.


We suggest that a deeper study into the feasibility of nanothermite munitions and their possible military utility is carried out, since they are assessed to have a potential for significant military utility. Some of the remaining challenges include resolving risks and uncertainties pertaining to health, legality and material development. We also suggest that nanothermites should be incorporated as a future area of interest within the SwAF R&D projects.

Unmanned Surface Vessels

USV could be used for many tasks that are dull, difficult and dangerous. If employed to search for submarines they are expected to lower the cost of personnel, enhance the readiness level and increase the probability of finding hostile submarines. Therefore, we assess that USV have potential for significant military utility. The effectiveness of USV for the SwAF will depend greatly on how the platforms are incorporated into the organization. Research on how to use the USV tactically will likely be imperative if the technology is to reach its full potential. We recommended that the SwAF should follow the development and pursue research on USV before acquiring own platforms.

Structural Health Monitoring

Structural health monitoring is a key part when utilizing kinodynamic motion planning in automated and autonomous systems; therefore it will affect the capability of all systems that rely on kinodynamic motion planning. This technology has the capacity to enhance the capabilities of automatic and autonomous systems. Therefore, our assessment is that structural health monitoring has significant potential for military utility

No technology was assessed to have uncertain or negligible military utility.

The result of our technology forecast is different from previous years since all the technologies were assessed to have significant potential for military utility. The reason for this is assumed to be because these technologies have been selected by a board of experts from the SwAF and the Defence Materiel Administration, (FMV), as well as from a number of interesting, potentially disruptive technologies proposed by the Fraunhofer Institute. Furthermore, the Fraunhofer Institute estimates that all technologies in this report will reach high TRL levels, mostly 8 and 9 by 2035.

The method used in this technology forecast report was to assign each Fraunhofer report to one reviewer in the working group. First, a summary of each forecast report was made. The Fraunhofer assessment of technical readiness level (TRL) in the time period to 2035 was held to be correct. The technology was then put into one scenario that was assumed to be suitable in order to assess the military utility as well as indicate possibilities and drawbacks of the technology. Based on a SWOT analysis, an assessment of the capability impact was made. An improvement this year is that the footprint table has been adjusted to the one used by NORDEFCO, presenting the assessed contribution to the factors DOTMPLFI (Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Personnel, Leadership, Facilities and Interoperability). Furthermore, the demands that are expected to be put on the SwAF R&D in order to facilitate the introduction of the technology were indicated. Finally, conclusions regarding the potential military utility of each technology were drawn. We believe that this information could be used as decision support for future R&D investments.

The chosen definition of military utility clearly affects the result of the study. The definition of the military utility of a certain technology is its contribution to the operational capabilities of the SwAF within identified relevant scenarios and is the same as used in the Technology Forecast of 2013 and 2014. This definition is believed to be good enough for this

report but could be further elaborated in the future. An article that in-depth presents our concept of military utility has recently been published.1

Our evaluation of the method used shows that there is a risk that the assessment is biased because of the participating experts’ presumptions and experiences from their own field of research. The scenarios that were chosen do not cover all aspects of the technologies and their possible contribution to operational capabilities. It should be stressed that we have assessed potential military utility of the five technologies within the specific presented scenarios, not the technology itself. Any additional results found in the analysis are mentioned.

The greatest value of the method used is its simplicity, cost effectiveness and not least the tradeoff that it promotes learning within the working group. The composition of the working group and the methodology used are believed to provide for a broad and balanced coverage of the technologies under study. This report provides executive summaries of the Fraunhofer reports and the intention is to help the SwAF Headquarters evaluate the military utility of emerging technologies within identified relevant scenarios.

Overall, the quality of the Fraunhofer reports is considered to be balanced and of a high level of critical analysis regarding technology development. However, the report on Unmanned Surface Vessels was found to have a somewhat lower quality than the other reports, for instance, some parts of the text are copied and pasted from last year’s report on UCAV and some parts of the assessments are missing, e.g. in the TRL evaluation. Nonetheless, the reports are in line with our task of evaluating the military utility of the emerging technologies.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Stockholm: Försvarshögskolan (FHS), 2015. p. 26
teknisk prognos, militär nytta, omvärldsanalys
National Category
Other Engineering and Technologies
Research subject
Military Technology
urn:nbn:se:fhs:diva-6296 (URN)
Available from: 2016-08-29 Created: 2016-08-29 Last updated: 2025-02-10Bibliographically approved
Persson, B. & Norsell, M. (2014). On Modeling RCS of Aircraft for Flight Simulation. IEEE Antennas & Propagation Magazine, 56(4), 34-43
Open this publication in new window or tab >>On Modeling RCS of Aircraft for Flight Simulation
2014 (English)In: IEEE Antennas & Propagation Magazine, ISSN 1045-9243, E-ISSN 1558-4143, Vol. 56, no 4, p. 34-43Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

This paper investigates the implementation of the radar cross section (RCS) of aircraft in modeling and simulation (M&S). More specifically, it addresses the tradeoff between accuracy and computational cost introduced by spatial RCS fluctuations. High-resolution RCS matrices, generated using Physical Optics (PO), were used in an investigation of RCS matrix resolution, and an evaluation of different bilinear interpolation methods is presented. The spatial Fourier transform was used for resolution analysis. It was found that the smallest RCS interpolation error was obtained using splines. Furthermore, results showed that the distribution of the relative interpolation error in detection range was well approximated by a log-normal distribution.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, 2014
Electromagnetic modeling, aerospace simulation, computer simulation, interpolation modeling and simulation, radar cross sections, radar detection
National Category
Other Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Information Engineering
Research subject
Military Technology
urn:nbn:se:fhs:diva-5005 (URN)10.1109/MAP.2014.6931656 (DOI)000345816100002 ()
Värdering av flygplans överlevnad, NFFP5
Vinnova, 2010-01259
Available from: 2014-11-11 Created: 2014-11-11 Last updated: 2019-08-26Bibliographically approved

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